Using Psyllium For Relieving Constipation

If you have asthma, do not take or use psyllium. Some people with asthma have had allergic reactions to psyllium and the powder from psyllium can cause an asthma attack.

Some you may be allergic to psyllium. If you are, you may become constipated or develop dark areas under your eyes.

Psyllium is the fiber part of seed husks from plantain. It is high in a soluble fiber that is called mucilage, so it absorbs water and becomes bulky. It contains almost no insoluble fiber, yet it acts like it has both soluble and insoluble fiber. Stomach enzymes do not easily breakdown psyllium, so it moves into your colon like insoluble fiber.

Psyllium fiber acts on your colon relieving constipation.

In your colon, psyllium activates peristaltic action and helps to clean your colon of any stagnation that has occurred there. By adding moisture to dry hard fecal matter, psyllium helps to move fecal matter through your colon. As psyllium seeds bulk up in your colon, they push against your colon walls stimulating peristaltic action. The soluble fiber in psyllium provides food for good bacteria, which helps them to multiple.

One added benefit of psyllium is its ability to pull toxins out of bowel pockets known as diverticuli.

Psyllium is a popular ingredient in many remedies on the market for relieving constipation. Choose a psyllium product that does not have sugar, maltodextrin, or artificial sweeteners. If possible, buy psyllium in bulk form from a health food store, which may offer it in bins. In this form, it is processed less and usually contains no additives.

If you have chronic constipation or constipation where you have blockage in the colon do not use psyllim seeds. Psyllim seeds provide more bulk to the colon and will just add to your chronic condition.

Here's how to use for relieving constipation.

For mild constipation, take 1 teaspoon in a glass of juice or warm water 3 times a day.

Work up to taking one teaspoon of psyllium by starting with ¼ teaspoon in a glass of water or juice. The next day take ½ teaspoon and so on until you are taking one teaspoon. Do the same when considering taking up to 2 teaspoons of psyllium.

Start by taking 1 teaspoon just before going to bed. After drinking your glass of psyllium seeds, follow this up each time with another 8 oz of clear distilled water.

For moderate constipation, take 2 teaspoons in a glass of juice or warm water daily. Start by taking 2 teaspoons at breakfast time.

It can take up to 3 days to get constipation relief and that depends on the dose you take.

Use psyllium seeds with care. Some cases have been found where psyllium seed parts have lodged in the colon wall, causing an irritation. When using excessive psyllium seeds, it is possible that it can deposit on your colon walls if you have deposited toxic waste there. This adds to the encrustation along your colon wall.

Continue to drink water during the day, up to 4-6 glasses a day, when using psyllium seeds. This helps push the seeds through your colon and not deposit along your colon walls. Remember the seeds bulk up and absorb water and you don't want them to cause constipation by bulking up and getting stuck in your colon.

Use psyllium seeds only long enough for relieving your constipation. Excessive use of psyllium can cause allergic reactions and can cause constipation if used incorrectly.

Rudy Silva has a degree in Physics and is a Natural Nutritionist.

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