Paintings That Heal? & Children's Healing Art? ? Right !

If you asked me a year ago if a Painting could physically heal you, I would have said Right?! I even remember when my grandmother at age 100, reminded me of the time when tomatoes were considered to be poisonous. (Don't think the Ketchsup companies would like that!) So open your mental filters a little, and let me tell you about my journey discovering Paintings That Heal?.

As a professional artist for over 20 years, I licensed art and my designs.

I was tired!

I wanted to paint from my heart. After the death of my fiance, my painting ceased! However I received the unexpected gift of "remembering" my intuitive and healing abilities. As a child, I was in the pioneer NC Gifted Student Program (1-12), and my intuitive and psychic abilities were studied by Duke's pioneer ESP Research team headed by Dr. J B Rhine. So I went back to Duke, and they determined that I am a Medical Intuitive and Healer. I read every healing book I could get my hands on to see if I could "do" the examples and "produce" the required results, I could. So I set about "being" one. Since then, I have worked as an international and scientifically documented Medical Intuitive and Healer. I continue to participate in research to add substance to this "alternative" work.

Since I believe there are no coincidences, 8 years later I had lunch with a friend who needed a painting for the cover of the University of North Carolina's Center for Functional GI & Motility Disorder's annual report. The commission was to create a painting of a disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The concept was SO preposterous, that it struck my fancy. I thought, why not!? I was absolutely SURE that Painting a disease was a one shot deal and ONLY created on a "lark". I mean, can you imagine asking people to come to a Gallery opening to view diseases, emotional dysfunction and mental disorders? Even further, can you imagine the mind of the artist that actually THOUGHT about creating these? I went to Law school for Pete's sake.

Well, if I'm gonna go out on a limb, I thought, I might as well do it right! I decided the canvas was "the Person". I said my prayer as I always do before a Healing session, and began. As a medical intuitive I intuitively determined what the disease looked like, so I painted that. Next I was instructed to add specific color, texture, and image whose energies vibrations intensify and amplify the Healing Energies. As the Painting sat drying, my guidance said you're not finished". Startled, I ask, what's left to do? My guidance quickly replied, "paint the Healing Energies to heal that disorder over the original painting". I figured, since no one but me would know what was happening, I'd give it a try. Then I was intuitively told exactly what essential Healing Energies to channel, direct and infuse into the canvas. What does this accomplish I asked. "The combination of essential Healing Energies mixed with the vibrations of the specific colors, images and textures in the finished Painting, activates the brain to trigger chemicals, and the body's cellular system to trigger internal frequencies that assists the body in repairing itself"... Hmm, interesting I thought. I painted until I was told by my guidance to stop.

Utilizing a "show me" attitude, we decided to scientifically test the IBS Painting to see if it radiated measurable energy. Now being a pioneer in having the Healing Energies and Healing benefits of my Paintings scientifically and alternatively documented was really a leap of faith and trust in the Universe. I felt like the proverbial chicken trying to cross a traditional medical field road.

In our initial double blind studies using traditional scientific Biofeedback we documented that in as little time as 5 seconds of exposure to a Painting's Healing Energies, positive changes occur in the viewer's physical energy fields. Then we tested over 100 more people before and after their exposure to the Paintings with 2 more technologies:

1. State of the art Gas Discharge Visualization Cameras, used by major medical research centers. The GDV Camera (approx 400 in the world), utilizes state-of-the-art optical technology to photograph an individual's various energy fields through image sensors that read energy levels from an individual's fingertips.

2. HeartMath system (used by many Fortune 500 companies and by various departments of the federal government), is an interactive computer-based heart rate variability monitor and real-time pulse wave recording that gives a scientific measure of your physiological readings.

These scientific and alternative technologies recorded that positive changes occur in a viewer's heart waves (HRV), respiration rates, body temperature and brain waves (EEG) and other vital signs. Changes also occur in the viewer's subtle energy fields. We even collected video testimonials to accompany the documentation. Paintings That Heal?, and Children's Healing Art? literally facilitate Healing! I breathed a sigh of relief! You're invited to see examples of selected before and after viewer printouts on our site under testimonials.

We also discovered that not only were they a healing tool, but the Paintings could also be used as a diagnostic tool. To me, this is absolutely fascinating! Findings continually confirm that people respond to a specific Painting which represents a disorder or issue that was either in their past, or is presently or potentially in their physical body or energy field or in the energy filed of someone very close to them. Some people with multiple diseases or disorders are affected by several of the Paintings. We invite you to our website to determine which ones resonate with you.

Why do these work? Each light ray consists of colors that have different wavelengths and vibrational frequencies that affect your mind, cells, and body chemicals differently. By receiving color, texture and image information through our eyes, their frequencies communicate to our brain to direct the various bodily functions to respond accordingly. The movie "What the Bleep *?!" addresses the issues of input, brain directives, and chemical responses. Not only are you what you think, your visual input matters too! Color, texture and pattern energies and vibrational input are constantly working on your cellular and subtle energy bodies at an unconscious level. The principle of dress for success, painting your environment (home and workplace) and decorating an environment to promote well being, all lend credibility to the fact that subliminal visual input effects and affects all of your health systems. Then add channeled and directed essential Healing Energies into each canvas that I use to facilitate healing in my clients, and you get a Painting that Heals?. The combination of essential Healing Energies, mixed with the vibrational frequencies of the artwork, all activate physical healing responses in the viewer's body.

What are the benefits of Paintings That Heal? & Children's Healing Art?? While some of the Paintings are beautiful, others are not. They all are a Healing Energies "generator" addressing specific needs, and are physically non invasive. They assist and amplify other healing treatments, procedures and prescriptions, and they facilitate ongoing and continuous positive energies and Healing benefits in the environment. These are particularly supportive for indigo, crystal, starseed, psychic kids, children, the elderly, and those in critical, chronic, degenerative, or delicate health situations. To maximize the healing assets of a studio Painting or a Painting that is created just for your needs, it should be placed in a location where you will receive optimum ongoing exposure to the Healing Energies on a daily basis. Once the Painting's energies become part of an environment, an individual continually benefits from it energetically by means of harmonic resonance. A person's own energy field will regulate the appropriate amounts of energy that they receive on an ongoing basis. You can not be overexposed.

What can one expect when they are exposed to a Painting? At present, there are no specific guarantees regarding a fixed long term timeframe, and specific healing properties. Research results vary with individual situations. We are able to document definite positive changes in an individual's bio energetic fields, and in their symptoms. With those given results, we hope, to generate more interest in expanding our long term research program for Paintings That Heal?.

Are Paintings That Heal? the same as art therapy? No, just being in the presence of the combination of energies in a Painting is what actually alters and heals the viewer's physical and energetic body. In contrast, the healing response of art therapy is generated by the patient making a piece of artwork. Art therapy work is not infused with channeled Healing Energies.

What does the future hold for these Paintings? We believe that Paintings That Heal? will have multiple applications, from therapeutic uses such as screen savers (a client on meds for anxiety attacks, used his Painting as his computer's screen saver, and was able to reduce and later remove his meds) to medical and healthcare healing decor and public murals. We envision "get well" cards that actually create health! Imagine prints and posters in nursing homes that create a positive atmosphere, or artwork that soothes in hotels, and waiting rooms, or a deck of cards that facilitates a healthier physical body for the user. The Paintings' uses are almost endless. Wherever there is artwork or a design, or a surface to be painted, the potential for healing is available.

Over a year later, the Paintings and Children's Healing Art? still retain the same powerful Healing Energies.I want my art to DO good, as well as BE good!!!

Brent Atwater is a Medical Intuitive, Healer, Artist and Author. Her international Medical Intuitive and Healing Energy work has been studied by and or documented at Duke Center for Integrated Medicine, the ARE: Edgar Cayce, Association for Research and Enlightenment, Dallas Center in Atlanta, GA, and North Carolina State University's Veterinary school.

As a professional artist, Brent is a pioneer in healing art by scientifically documenting the Healing Energies and healing benefits of her Paintings that Heal? and Children's Healing Art ?. At age 16 the North Carolina Museum of Art chose one of her paintings for their permanent collection. Her artwork was the feature of a PBS program, a segment on PM magazine, Crook and Chase, and others.In 1987 Brent founded "The Just Plain Love" Charitable Trust to benefit children and other worthwhile causes.As an author and illustrator,she creates Just Plain Love? Children's Healing Books?.

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