Working with an Intuitive Counselor: Opening the Door to Yourself

"Oh, I've had a psychic reading before. They read some cards and wanted to know when my birthday was and then told me I'd meet a man in the next 6 months, but I never did." I've heard this from clients before. The difference is that after working with an Intuitive Counselor, they see that intuition, psychic ability and energy awareness is for so much more.

An Intuitive Counselor can open you to the things that are happening in your life right in the present moment, and then uncover core issues. A good intuitive counselor goes right into that core and assists you in creating transformation from within, to ripple outward, affecting all the smaller symptoms. This reverberation creates healing on all levels simultaneously.

We are all multidimensional beings functioning emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually and energetically all the time.

We don't live in just one aspect, so how can our life be based on just one action or one piece of psychic forecasting?

Intuitive counseling is a process of making simple changes and small course adjustments in the way you perceive yourself and your role in this life. For example, if you perceive yourself as a victim who allows yourself to be controlled and manipulated all in the guise that you are the 'people-pleaser', then you will attract people to you in your life that will reflect that belief and meet that need within you (i.e. controller, manipulator, taker, etc).

If on the other hand, you perceive yourself as a self-empowered person who really knows their wants, desires and role here, then you will attract people to you that will support that vision. How does the victim become the self-empowered one? The change happens by taking steps to perceive themselves in a different light. It involves awareness and focus on the self.

Working with an Intuitive Counselor, you receive the tools (exercises, awareness, etc) and the ongoing support while you make the changes within. Simply going for a psychic reading you may receive helpful information at the time, but without the tools, the support and the guidance to make a difference in your life circumstances.

Many people looking for Intuitive Counseling are searching for themselves. They are looking for answers to questions they don't even know how to ask. Mostly they know they want their life to be different, they want to feel better- they want to be happy.

Happiness doesn't come from taking a pill, drinking a potion or reading the cards. It's all a matter of using the information gained to take the actions to make actual changes in your life.

Sitting back and waiting for the Universe to hand a better life to you on a silver platter may not be your best answer. The Universe helps those who help themselves. Action is required on your part. If you truly want something good, you work to get it.

In the case of happiness, it may mean letting go of old patterns and emotions you've been carrying around that no longer serve you. It may mean opening yourself to receive new, good things into your life. It may also mean changing how you respond to others and the way they treat you. Ultimately, it is about standing up inside yourself and saying, "I really want to feel better about myself and about my life."

Working with an Intuitive Counselor means making a commitment to yourself and to your future self. Who do you want to be 5 years from now? If you want life to remain the same, so be it. But, if you would like to make a difference and create change, consider Intuitive Counseling. You'd be working with someone who can 'feel' where you are and help you see your way through to the outcome you choose. It's a powerful and fulfilling process that provides you with the support and guidance needed to make deep and lasting changes.

More Resources

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