Looking for Success as an Online Affiliate? Its All in the Numbers

If you have been a home based business entrepreneur for any length of time at all you know by now that there are certain immutable laws that govern success. You know the following:

You have to learn the techniques of marketing your product or service. This usually comes from a combination of reading the volumes of information your are provided with and personal help from your upline coach or mentor. You then have to advertise aggressively. Some of this is through the various online services such as cost per click for higher search engine placement, through link exchange, through the purchase of targeted email lists, or numerous other types of online advertising. Some of the advertising is free and some can become quite expensive. You can also advertise offline through personal relationships, by distributing business cards and flyers, or by taking out classified ads in newspapers and magazines.

You have discovered that you absolutely must have your own website. If you haven't yet thrown in the towel and decided this is all too overwhelming , and you probably haven't or you wouldn't be reading this, then you know you have to find ways to get people to your website because real success in an online business is all about numbers.

Liars may use statistics, but statistics don't lie. You'll only be successful in getting a small portion of the nearly 1 billion internet users to visit your website, and of those who do visit your website only a small portion will spend serious time looking at the business opportunity. And only a small portion of that group will actually "take the plunge" and sign up.

So it really is all about numbers. According to the most recent U. S. Central Intelligence Agency Fact Book, in the next two years internet users will increase by 516 million worldwide. That's almost double the current total population of the United States. So the flip side of the funneling down effect based on the information I just provided is that you're not dealing with a fixed number.

On the contrary, if you do the arithmetic you'll see that 30,000 new internet users enter the world of cyberspace every hour of every day. So instead of the numbers game being an enemy to our attempts to cash in on the online business opportunity, it is an asset, and one that is growing almost exponentially. The old saying "he who hesitates has lost" cannot be more applicable.

Too many online business prospectors lose out because they become impatient. They want that $4000 check this month. They also lose out because they become overwhelmed with the learning curve. Some lose out because they become victims of over choice and spend themselves out of opportunity by trying to do too many things. They either try to put too many products or services on their shelves (getting into too many online businesses) or they get involved in too many advertising campaigns (while paying too many advertising companies) who are also representing thousands of other businesses.

My Dad was in the online business 50 years ago. He pumped gas and oil through rubber hose lines so gas stations could have gas for their customers and homes could have fuel oil to heat them in the winter to keep their residents warm. He taught me a valuable lesson about the online business. He once said to me, "Dave, it's more important for me to make sure my (huge underground) tanks have gas and oil in them than it is make sure my customers' tanks don't run out. Because if I don't have fuel I can't help them even if they do run dry."

What does this have to do with the online business numbers game. If I don't take time to check my own tank occasionally, if discouragement and disillusionment sets in and my tank runs dry, if in effect I become overwhelmed and quit because the task seems too formidable, I lose out on a money making opportunity my Dad could not have dreamed would ever be possible. Thirty thousand new potential customers every hour, which calculates out to 720,000 every day, or 21.6 million every month! No, you won't get all of them, but even if you get one one thousandth of one percent of just the new customers per month, which doesn't account for 934 million current users, you will have added 72 people to your downline every month.

Sound unrealistic? Maybe you can do better than one one thousandth of one percent. You do the math and then figure out for yourself a strategy whereby you can tap into this enormous wealth potential.

About the Author: David Moore is a member of the Wealth Online Website system. He is a home based online business entrepreneur and teaches Anthropology and Cross-cultural Communications at a University (part-time). David has also served on the administrative staff of a faith-based humanitarian aid organization. He has completed post graduate programs in both Cross Cultural Communications and Higher Education Administration. He believes that all self-generated wealth must include a provision for giving back to the community, the church, and other worthy causes.

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