5 Tips If You Want To Be A Reseller

If you are planning to be a reseller for a product or many products, here are five great tips you can use for your own!

[1] A good way to source for quality products with great demand is to purchase a yearly (or even lifetime!) access to membership websites dedicated to resale rights. These membership sites offer products such as E-books, software, templates, and audio/video with resale rights.

You are advised to look for membership sites which its webmaster regularly sources for such products, preferably either the webmaster does his homework often or he has a good connection with other product creators that he usually has the product before the launch day, if not one of the first to get it.

A highly-recommended resource is www.surefirewealth.com.

[2] Do not purchase a product with resell rights if the product is outdated because chances are that the product is either over-saturated on the Internet, devalued over time or did not survive the test of time (especially true if the product contained a lot of time-sensitive information).

[3] If the product and its resell rights are too cheap to be true, this is often because either product is already old (I personally consider over 2 years old as 'old'), over-saturated on the Internet or devalued due to low prices offered by other resellers on the Internet (as you can see, becoming a reseller is tough competition!). Consider purchasing the product and its resell rights only if you want to give them away for free, give as a bonus, or bundle them into packages where you can add value and sell at a higher price.

[4] If you have your own products, you can bundle other resale right products of the same niche with yours to create a unique package!

[5] Fourth and final, choose quality products with resell rights that have limited competition, preferably if the product is rather new. If the author sells to customers whom most of them do not have really great marketing power, this can be your good chance as an Internet Business owner to leverage on your own connections, Joint Venture partner's efforts, and more.

Copyright © Edmund Loh

About the Author:
Edmund Loh is the author of the E-Biz Wiz Blog and Starting An Internet Business Special Report with over 6 years of web designing experience before he engaged in an Internet Business.

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