Where Affiliate Programs Fail and How It Can Impact Your Success

Recruiting people for your business opportunity or paid program by promoting a referral link is an obsolete concept. The idea of making money through affiliate programs is brilliant and is possible, if done correctly. However, there are some severe problems with affiliate marketing. The major online companies give everybody the same site to advertise. The only difference to that site is the person who will get credit for the referral.

The company will tell you if you promote this affiliate link, you will receive a commission check. I know you have heard something like this: "The more cash you make, the more money we receive." By them just giving you an affiliate link, that last saying looks like this: "The more money you spend, the more money we receive." By companies improperly training you, they are ripping you off, which violate that major pillar to success, company integrity and management. That is not the only problem with affiliate marketing. When I release this secret people have been using to be productive online, these greedy online companies are going to hate me after letting the ferret out of its cage. The #1 thing affiliate programs fail to do is teach people how to brand their name.

Branding your name is so vital to your online success that it determines whether you are going to make a successful living or whether you are wasting your time online. So Mr. Wilson, what does branding your name means. Branding your name means establishing credibility and trust with your customers due to a product or service in demand that your have that your customers are in need for. Why do you think that artists such as Nelly, Eminem, and 50 Cent keep getting their songs played on the radio? These artists know that in order for them to keep having multi-platinum selling albums; they must make sure everybody hears their song. I know your next question is, "Mr. Wilson, how can I brand my name?

Here are some simple but yet powerful ways to brand your name:

1. Writing Articles. Writing articles is one of the most dynamic habits you can develop to promote any business opportunity or product that you have, especially on a zero budget! If you want to brand you name using articles, you want to write about something that you know about and something that is valuable to your readers. In other words, educate them. For example, Jon Olson, a hit exchange specialist has products for advertising such as the Hit Exchange Survival Kit and the Dr. Traffic Co-op. He does not instantly sell to people off the street, he does not know. He educates people by writing his newsletter, Hit Exchange News. When you write valuable content, you must add your personality into whatever you are writing because, not only do people want the truth, but also they want it in your own words. When you write valuable content and add your personality into it, your readers will be more likely to buy your products and services. Educate first and then sell. There are resources such as Ezine-Writer and Ezine Success.

2. Become A Heavy Participant By Joining Forums A forum is a place over the Internet where people post their thoughts on a topic and actually collaborate. Joining online forums such as the Net Marketing Forum and the JoeShmo200 Internet Marketing Forum is a great start. What makes the difference is how much you participate in the forums. Let people know that you are serious about your online business by participating in discussions, asking questions, and bringing up topics of your own. If you do not participate in the forums on a regular basis, you are burning your bridge by showing laziness on branding your name somewhere. Branding your name in the forums is very easy and once you get started, it will take you a long way.

3. Splash Page. A splash page is a customized, instant-loading webpage that promotes your paid affiliate program. The purpose of having a splash page is to grab an individual's undivided concentration and see if they notice something different. Having a splash page is a good start, but how do you brand your name using a splash page? The way to do that is to put any of your personal pictures on the splash page so that people not only remember your articles, but remember your face. In addition, what would help your splash page is putting your contact information on the splash page because people may contact you if they have a question. Make sure you are of help to that person who contacts you because some companies are too busy trying to get more and more referrals.

If these companies start teaching people their affiliates to brand their name, they will be in business longer and be more successful. When they rip people off and focusing on fast cash, they are setting themselves up for bad publicity like Enron. I hope these solutions help your and your business. Can you afford to go back to an unrewarding, insecure workforce?

More Resources

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More Affiliate Revenue Information:

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