How to Use Solo Ads to Make a Small Fortune

Newsletter advertising has been getting a bad rap lately. Around every corner you can find someone complaining about how it doesn't work. But when you ask them if they've tried it, most say no. The others who have, had NO idea what they were doing.

Today we're going to talk about exactly what kind of solo ads sell and what factors are important.

Let's start by going through the process of publishing a solo ad.

•Choose a newsletter/ezine to publish in.

•Write the solo ad

•Write an effective title

•Design the website where your visitors will go...

1. Choose a newsletter/ezine

Extremely important. You must do your best to choose the most targeted group possible. You must choose a "good-sized" list. Also, the group must be responsive.

The best searching technique is to go to the websites in your niche market that are popular and find the links that say "advertising" or "advertise with us." It's normally quite self-explanatory from there...

I personally recommend going for no newsletter with less than 5,000 members - unless they are extremely targeted and very responsive.

To determine how responsive a group is - ALWAYS ask or look for testimonials from others who have advertised before. If the publisher is unwilling to provide these - don't waste your time promoting there.

2. Write the Solo Ad

One word - story. That's the BEST way to sell someone something - tell them a story. Most people are so skeptical now every time they receive an e-mail that the only real way to warm up to them is to tell them a story.

Start talking about how you went from a "nothing" to having this great success. Or, how you went from not knowing anything about "such and such" to now becoming an expert.

The next tip is to give them a "feeling" of what they are about to learn - *start* to teach them about the topic and then say " learn the rest, click here."

I've learned that the best solo ad never sells a thing, it only pre-sells and warms up to the reader. I guess this is where the theory of "Pre-Sell" prevails.

3. Write an Effective Title

Quite possibly the MOST important part of your entire campaign. Don't underestimate the readers of the ezine. They *know* when the regular issue comes and when the solo ads come. They're already skeptical. If you want to catch their eye, you better have a title that really appeals to them.

Here are some good title tips:

•Use Numbers - ex/ How to Get 2000+ Targeted Visitors A Day instead of "How to Get Traffic"

•Be Specific - Your title should reveal EXACTLY what you talk about?

•Keep It Short - The shorter the title, the more it will be read?

•Avoid SPAM words - Don't use "FREE" "MONEY" - These words are turn-offs now?

If you can write an effective title, you've one half the battle already!

4. Design the website where your visitors go...

The BIGGEST mistake (in my opinion) is to simply send the traffic to your main site. I recommend you set-up a SEPARATE website for THAT particular ezine. Make that visitor feel as if he/she is VIP for coming in from that newsletter.

Greet them with a "Hey! Glad you could make it from "INSERT NAME HERE" to our site!

This makes your site more personal and the visitor feels more comfortable reading your message.

A quick tip for your website:

Always talk about the success YOU had with the program you are selling - tell a story and reveal how well YOU did with it. You will see a HUGE increase in sales.

Once again, people want stories and they want storied about YOU.

If you apply these four factors the "right" way, you're bound to do extremely well with Solo Ads. Personally, I make thousands a month selling my consulting service using Solo Ads - so, no one can tell me they don't work.

Till we meet again, thumbs up to ezine advertising!

About The Author

Anik Singal is a very successful young internet business owner. He began marketing on the internet when he was only 18 and by the age of 20 he was making a full living on the internet.

Anik found great success easily promoting just one affiliate program. He earned over $10,466.62 with just one program using his Affiliate Upsell Secrets System.

Now, he's teaching others how to do it...

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