Is There an Affiliate Free Lunch Program?

"Everything worthwhile has a cost... Whenever you think you are getting something for nothing, look again-someone, somewhere, somehow is paying for it. Behind every free lunch there is a hidden cost to be accounted for." Edwin G. Dolan

If you, or any of your business prospects, believe that time is money, then yes, the "There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch" principle DOES apply to your internet business. What you can't invest in money, you will have to invest in time. You will have to be able to put the axe to the grind for more hours per day or week, and you will have to wait for more weeks and months before your ship comes in. Those are the facts.

If you are able to think outside the box (and few internet entrepreneurs CAN'T!) then the principle can be stretched a little. Are you balking at spending a few pennies a day to boost your sales? Do some research comparing what your marketing program offers and what the same services cost on the open market. Compare what information your program offers and what you can learn elsewhere. For example:

* find some online business forums and search these topics: free advertising, phone follow-up techniques, sample follow-up letters, sample phone scripts.

* investigate your and other affiliate marketing programs for all the above plus services and tools such as: prospect notification, contact manager, online forum, billing and revenue collection, gateway website, company resource center, free sales and marketing tools, affiliate training courses, successful team support, commission or compensation schedule. In other words, look at EVERYTHING that the program will give you for free.

* research what you would have to pay for any or all of the above tools, hints, and services.

How does your affiliate program measure up? What do you get for free and therefore, what do you save? How much can you afford to invest based on these savings?

If you absolutely HAVE NO MONEY to invest, that's one thing. If you have a knee-jerk reaction to investing in something that "says it's free", think again. What other business in the WORLD besides one on the internet can you begin for NOTHING? How many pennies a day can you AFFORD to invest in your business, maybe not now but as soon as possible?

If you have nothing, you can start and run a business. You will have to pay for it, however, with time. Free ads need to be worked every day. Free ads drop out of sight as new ads follow. You need to study your product till you know it inside and out, so all prospective affiliates can be led, encouraged, taught how they too can succeed. Since the name of the game is visibility amongst the billions of offers on the internet, you can't afford to waste a single hard-won prospect.

Without any money to invest in advertising, this will be a long slow process. You will have to determine how YOU can best achieve sales and attract affiliates, because each person's skills, style and dislikes are different.

You need to be internet savvy because all the information you require to succeed is out there, you just have to know how to find it. Study, seek your own answers, and know where and how to ask questions. You will win the game with patience and persistence.

About the author:
Glenn Beach is a poet, writer and home business entrepreneur in Nova Scotia, Canada. Free newsletter, more articles, and business start-up info at:

More Resources

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If you have been a home based business entrepreneur for any length of time at all you know by now that there are certain immutable laws that govern success. You know the following:You have to learn the techniques of marketing your product or service.
Convert Your Passions Into Dollars
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Affiliates Need To Read Their Newspaper
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Finding the Perfect Affiliate Program
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Collect Visitors Info First Before Sending Them To Affiliate
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WEBMASTERS - Earn Money With Affiliate Links
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Protecting Yourself From Affiliate Link Thieves
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Google AdWords Clobbers Affiliate Sellers
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The Key To High-Volume Web Sales
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Are Your Affiliate Programs Eating Away Your Money And Time
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Looking For An Affiliate Internet Marketing Tip?
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Affiliate Marketing - A Quick Overview For Beginners
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Common Decency......Lets Keep it Alive!
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How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!
"How To Create A Lifetime Income With Affiliate Programs By Changing Your Focus!" An often overlooked strategy that could maximize your affiliate earnings by Mark Meyers. Most people join an affiliate program so that they will make some money by referring people to the products and services of the affiliate company. This is, in fact, a great way to earn a really nice income.

More Affiliate Revenue Information:

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