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If You Plan On Drinking, Do These Critical Things Before You Leave The House
Buy a Breathalyzer A Breathalyzer is a portable hand-held device in which youblow, that measures your blood alcohol level. Many goodbreathalyzers can be purchased on-line. Buy a good one. Ingeneral, they are priced based on their accuracy - the moreexpensive the unit, the more accurate the reading. Forabout $100 you can find a quality unit that is approved bythe Department of Transportation. Do your research, buyone, and put it in your car. This is a critical first step in your protection againstgetting a DUI. It could be the difference between going tojail and going home to sleep in your own bed. Think about it: A $100 investment to avoid $10,000 inexpenses and all of the time and hassles related to a DUI?Talk about a great return on an investment. Stop readingright now, go to the Internet, and purchase yourBreathalyzer. It is that important. After you receive it, make sure you put it in your car. Itdoes no good at home in a drawer. As a matter of fact, youshould buy one for every car you own and keep it in there. Search Your Vehicle for any Incriminating Items Remember those empty beer cans that you threw in the backof your truck during your last fishing trip? How about thatflask that you keep in your glove box, or in your golf bagin the trunk? Any remnants of marijuana in your ashtray?Any concealed firearms or knives? Now is a good time to goto your vehicle and get rid of any items that could beincriminating if you are stopped. When a cop pulls youover, he is trying to build a case against you. One of theways he builds such as case is by simply looking inside yourcar for any evidence that you've been drinking. Don't helphim build his case against you. What do you think your chances are of avoiding arrest if acop walks up to your vehicle and sees several empty beercans in the back of your truck; then sees a flask fall outof the glove box when you try and retrieve yourregistration; and shines his flashlight on what appears tobe remnants of a marijuana cigarette in your ashtray? Ifyou haven't guessed already, the answer is that you areprobably going to jail just as soon as he can get hishandcuffs on you. Go clean out your vehicle now. Once again, don't keepreading. Go to you car and do it now. You'll thank melater. Make Sure All Of Your Headlights, Taillights, And SignalsWork Studies show that DUIs often result from a traffic stop foranother reason. In other words, cops will often stopsomeone for a broken taillight or turn signal, then smellalcohol on the driver and end up arresting him for a DUI.Why give cops that advantage? Take the time before you goout and double-check your brake lights, turn signals,taillights, even your license plate light, and anything elsethat may attract unwanted attention. This entire processmay take a couple of minutes maximum. But the payoff? - notgetting a DUI - priceless! Put A Tape Recorder In Your Car Buy a small hand-held tape recorder and keep it in your car.Should you ever get stopped after drinking, this could be avery valuable piece of evidence. This is your record of theevents that occurred. Sure, cops often record sound andvideo during their stops. However, it is not unheard of forthose records to turn up edited at those precise momentsthat favor the citizen. In addition, if you have a record of a cop making a mistake,your case could be thrown out. For example, imagine if acop was caught on tape violating law or procedure. Yourcase would likely be dismissed or charges dropped. Howvaluable then does that make your tape recorder? That'sright - priceless! Warning: be sure and check the laws in your state regardingrecording another person with or without their knowledge.In general, you can record anyone, as long as they know theyare being recorded. You don't have to announce it to them. Simply put the recorder in plain view and turn it on. Gobuy a recorder now, for each of your cars. Make Sure You Have Driver's Rights Cards in All Cars In my book, I provide a listing of your rights that you willuse, should you ever be stopped for a DUI investigation. It's critical that you have these in all of your cars.You can put them with your registration and proof ofinsurance documents. When you are stopped, and aninvestigation begins, hand the cop this card. Use A Designated Driver A cliché for sure. However, it is a simple and effectivemethod for avoiding a DUI. Before you go out, decide whowill be the driver. If it's you, make sure you don't drink,or drink very little. Don't wait until it's closing time atthe bar before you select a designated driver. Use Public Or Other Transportation Take a taxi. Ride a bus. Hitchhike. Walk. Ride a bike.Have your mother drop you off. Do anything. Just don'tdrive to the bar. Eat A Large Meal Eating a large meal before going out will help slow the rateof absorption. It will not prevent you from becomingimpaired or prevent the alcohol from being absorbed intoyour bloodstream. However, by slowing the rate ofabsorption, you will slow the rate at which you reach thelegal limit for driving. In other words, you will be ableto drink more, before you feel the effects. We've all had adrink on an empty stomach. You can feel the effects of thealcohol after you've downed the first cocktail. Eat beforeyou go out, and slow your rate of intoxication. It could bethe difference in going over the legal limit. Drink A Lot of Water Before you go out for the evening, drink several glasses ofwater. Again, this will not prevent the alcohol fromgetting into your system. But it will help slow the rate ofabsorption. Water also has the welcomed side effect ofpreventing or reducing the effects of a hangover. (c) Terbatime - All rights reserved What can YOU do to avoid a DUI arrest and conviction?Dr. Franklin Pierce has created the ultimate guide -"How to avoid a drunk driving arrest and conviction"Including top secrets of cops and lawyers to help you gain an unfair advantage. FREE Details: Click Here
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You can marvel at the changes brought on by maturity and, as a bonus, you can brag about the price you paid and congratulate yourself on picking up such a bargain!However, wine is an ever-changing thing and how it is stored will directly affect how quickly and how well it ages!Storing wine is very simple ?It requires a constant temperature, humidity, darkness, stillness and a well-ventilated and clean environment. Bordeaux Wine Bordeaux is a region in France that produces some of the world's finest and most famous red, white and dessert wines. The greatest red wines of Bordeaux come from the Medoc, Graves, Saint-Emilion and Pomerol; dry white wines mostly from Graves; and dessert wines from Sauternes, Barsac and Sainte-Croix-du- Mont. Build Your Own Wine Rack (In An Afternoon) A good drink is what even Gods enjoy and to most a good wine is the best drink in the world. The connoisseurs of wine say that to find out a good wine is to smell and taste it. If You Plan On Drinking, Do These Critical Things Before You Leave The House Buy a BreathalyzerA Breathalyzer is a portable hand-held device in which youblow, that measures your blood alcohol level. Many goodbreathalyzers can be purchased on-line. The Old Fashioned: Two Recipes of an Underrated Classic Like many mixed drinks, the Old Fashioned has a number of variations and a history.It is one of the few cocktails that survived from the days of the Martini and the Manhattan. Ideal Wine Temperature The ideal temperature to store wines is between 55ºF and 58ºF (13ºC-15ºC). However, any temperature between 40º-65ºF (5º-18ºC) will suffice as long as it remains constant. Barbera Wine Barbera is a wine grape variety from Monferrato in Piemonte, Italy. Babera produces an intense red wine with deep color, low tannins and high acid and is used in California to provide "backbone" for so-called "jug wines". Tequila It was once a ritual usually performed by a man. 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Australian Wines Australia's wine industry has boomed in the past ten years. Employers have had to triple their staff numbers to cope with the demand for Aussie wine. White Zinfandel Wine White Zinfandel wine is a blush wine made in California from early-picked Zinfandel grapes. The red grapes are quickly separated from their skins during crushing and fermentation so that the resulting White Zinfandel wine is very light pink; thus White Zinfandel wines have far less color, alcohol and flavors than normally fermented Zinfandels. |
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