Psychology - How to Reduce Negative Thoughts Relating to Trading?
The thinking process of the brain relating to the psychology of trading involves:
-- Beliefs
-- Feelings
-- Values
-- Dispositions and
-- Faith
The positive or negative energy brings power to a person's actions, which ultimately determines whether a person is a winner or a loser. You can change for the better or for the worst. The old saying goes: For as a man thinks in his heart so he is.
-- Trading is the most difficult money making skill to master, because the market represents the aspects of people and life.
It is necessary to scratch the surface and explain what psychology means and how it relates to trading. Without doing so, you will not understand why this element is important to your trading plan.
The psychology aspects of people are separated into two categories:
1. Believers (the first category) who support the belief that something in the realms of other dimensions in the universe exist and
2. Non-believers (the second category) who are convinced that reality is the only dimension of life.
It is (the first category) that usually uses both sides of the brain to think and has access to a third component of the brain (faith) that is dead when the person is born. (The second category) only uses a small portion of the brain's power. While (the second category) may or may not use both side of the brain to function, the third part of the brain (faith) is completely dead and non-active.
See, the psychology of the brain is separated into three separate parts:
1. Faith
2. The thinking factor and
3. The emotional part.
If the thought, (focusing on the power of positive thinking), division of the brain controls the emotions, the individual maintains and develops discipline. If the emotions run the thinking part of the brain, the human being lives in a pure state of extreme confusion and disorder.
This is why the answer to success is understanding how the correct forms of discipline work - without it you will lose your shirt in the market.
Discipline in the following three areas of trading will ultimately determine your trading success.
* Training --- The successful trader never rests on past successes, or believes that his trading ability has peaked. He is always learning and practicing his decision-making skills, honing them until they become second nature. Then he can react faster than a speeding bullet, but with the benefit of superior human judgment.
* Trading Rules --- The successful trader develops set of trading rules - a plan - that he follows faithfully. This guides his decision-making at all times. If a trader's plan dictates that it is time to exit a stock, the trader will exit that trade and not wait a minute longer.
* Self-Control --- Successful traders display an extraordinary amount of self-control. Keeping emotions constantly in check, the disciplined trader is immune to the highs and lows that attend large market swings - whether panic, in a downturn, or of euphoria. I will show you how to learn the secrets of discipline.
Can You Learn Discipline?
The big question here is whether you can develop the discipline you do not have naturally. I believe the answer is "yes, you can," but you must have the necessary commitment to do so.
Ultimately, undisciplined behavior is going to be punished by the market.
Private traders who persevere and master self discipline, have external stimuli that will help the process. However, the market does not help as much as it might, because of the principle of random reinforcement. It is the market's tendency to reward bad behavior from time to time.
This crucial fact is one of the reasons why it takes so long to learn how to trade. You need to realize this: there is no point in having a system if you are not going to follow it. Follow and develop a routine of self-discipline and you will be successful in your trading ventures.
David Jenyns is recognized as the leading expert when it
comes to designing profitable trading systems.
His most recent course Ultimate Trading Systems is a step-
by-step trading roadmap to designing profitable trading
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