Small Business Information

Build Credibility, Value, and Trust on a Shoestring

Setting priorities in your business? Your first job is to sell. Selling is - writing the orders; receiving the cash; feeding the beast.

Where to Find a Cash Windfall of $10,000 to $1,000,000 -- You Never Knew You Had

There is a rather famous true story called "Acres of Diamonds".It is about a successful farmer who risks everything searching the African continent for diamonds.

How to Effectively Design Your Business Image

In many industries, image is one of the last things business owner looks at. If business is not booming, they assume there is something wrong with the sales method, as opposed to the image.

Analyzing Customers in Your Business Plan

The Customer Analysis section of the business plan assesses the customer segments that the company serves. In it, the company must 1) identify its target customers, 2) convey the needs of these customers, and 3) show how its products and services satisfy these needs.

An Example of Business Automation - eCards with pizazz

The last time I spoke and went into a bit of detail on business automation. Today I would like to give you some details of how I actually used it personally so you get to see first-hand what I wanted, how I went about doing it and finally executing it.

What is Business Process Automation?

Business Process Automation or BPA for short. This was a buzzword a few years back with anyone and everyone claiming they were experts in this area.

Building Your Business for Success in 2005

It's a strange anomaly.Most people who set out to start their own business, no matter what type, build it for failure, not success.

Your Practice is Only as Valuable as Your Referral Base

Many physical therapists in private practice have the appearance of a very successful business that is built on the backs of about four to five doctors. Now if anything would happen to any of these guys, the value of these practices would drop markedly.

Restaurant Operators - What Skills do you Need

A tongue-in-cheek look at the skills required to operate a restaurant but?on he whole they come pretty close to the truth.People Skills,You need to be good with people, because you will have different customers almost every day, you will have repeat customers who have higher expectations, a high-maintenance shift-based staff to manage, suppliers who won't always meet your expectations or time frames and creditors who want their money now.

How Do I Choose The Right Business Opportunity For Me?

First you have to start with knowing your budget and how much you can afford to spend on a business opportunity. There are ways of starting a business opportunity online for as little as $50 as an affiliate; this figure goes all the way up to $1 Million dollars with a McDonalds restaurant.

Is Your Business Legally Prepared?

It is imperative to have your business legally prepared. How you ask? You need to have a business license, a home occupation license, if running your business from home, a city or county license, (depending on what State you live) plus you need to register your business as fictious if you are not using your name as a business.

Six Essential Skills to Business Success!

The following are six essential skills to business success. You may not have developed all of these skills, but like most things in life, you can by learning, practicing and determination.

Get In Touch With Your Competition!

We all know that competition is an ugly word but competitors are a fact of life in business. If your business can't compete with other businesses, don't start it.

Small Business Owners - Form a Relationship with Your Bank Manager

It's just like a marriageTo expect a bank manager or officer to play such close attention to your account that he (or she) knows when you intend to deposit money and to know when to hold back a cheque is a hopeless dream.He has neither the time nor the resources, and you can complain until your blue in the face but, in the end, you have the sole responsibility to manage your bank account.

Keeping your Business Alive

As long as you eat and breathe you will stay alive. But is that really living? In a crisis that may be enough.

But This Is Just My Opinion

Hi, Charles..

Building A Business That Works For You

Before you want to build your business, you need to know why you are in this business.Many of us entered business as a technician.

Small Business - Is The Accounting Profession Ripping Them Off?

My 16 year-old daughter said, "Gee Dad! You look just like an accountant" And she wasn't being complimentary. Accountants are perceived to be boring, stodgy and conservative.

Business Failure, The 8 Traps Causing Failure And The One Attribute Which Ensures Business Survival

It is estimated that 78% of all small business start-ups fail within the first twelve months years, and long-term survival is likely for only 22% of all new business start-ups.At the same time huge corporations with seemly vibrant trade suddenly close their doors.

Serious About Writing A Business Plan... Start A Business Plan Library

Tap these treasures of ideas. The best money you can spend is money invested in your business plan education.

Work is a Four Letter Word

I love work, I can watch it all day.I am not scared of work, I have been known to approach within arm's length of it on a number of occasions.

Choose Your Own Guru

What is a guru? A guru is a teacher. A mentor.

A Business Plan Is Not Worth A Cracker To A Struggling Business - A Plans The Last Thing It Needs

Before you start a business we encourage you to prepare a business plan. Without it your business has a 92% chance of failing within the first 12 months.

Marketing Your Small Business - The Top 10 Brilliant Ideas

A Brilliant Marketing Idea..

Do I Have to Do EVERYTHING Myself?!

The air in my client's office nearly crackled with her irritation. A scheduling snafu had left a client without important services.

Top 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Joining a Professional Association

I'll be the first to admit that I went a little nuts when I moved I moved recently in terms of going all-out to participate in a variety of professional associations. I had some experience with most of the groups that I visited in other places I had lived, or had clients who had positive experiences with certain groups.

Boy oh Boy, The Obstructions and Obstacles

The bad things starts with the letter 'O'?.like Obstacles, Obstruction, Obscene?.

Finance Your Small Business: So Much Money, So Little Time

$37.4 million funded from venture capital today.

How To Choose A Franchise

You'd like to go into business for yourself, and believe that the best way for you to become your own boss is to buy a franchise. You know it will takes time and money to be successful, and that's OK.

Small Business and Branding - Why and How?

When we speak of branding most of the time people try to relate it to big business house, however, the fact is that every business needs to establish their brand in order to survive the competition. This is nothing new; experts and management gurus had been preaching the same sermon for years now but what they have not told is why you need to brand your small business? How is branding going to help you to establish your business? How can you establish your brand without spending a fortune on it?You might be having a very small business but would you like your client to perceive your business as a small time entrepreneurial effort? Definitely not, and your business cards, letterheads and other marketing collaterals does just that.

Are You Using a Chess or Checkers Small Business Marketing Strategy?

Until the day I learned to play chess I loved playing checkers. Both games require a strategy that maximizes a player's ability to capture her opponents pieces without first losing her own.

Definition of Security: Small Business Owner

Yes, that IS security when nobody can downsize you because you OWN that small business of yours! But preserving that special advantage is a never-ending job. In fact, do you know what needs to be preserved more than anything else?Well, since they hold the future of your business in their hands, I believe that an outside group of people whose behaviors can effect your business' survival more than any other, deserves your rapt attention.

The PR Commitment to Small Business

We're birds of a feather, public relations and small business. Wonderfully compatible and a perfect fit.

Arent Small Businesses Lucky?

Why? Because they have access to world class public relations no matter how small they are.That's one way of saying, take care of your key target audiences, Mr/Ms small business owner, and they'll take care of you.

Small Business Failure? Nuts!

Pardon my enthusiasm, but a large part of your small business'success is somewhere else. Namely, out among the company's important external audiences.

Small Business Success - It's a Matter of Confidence

I was floored! I couldn't believe what they were saying! But there they sat -- three of the biggest film stars of our age -- telling the world they had issues with confidence. I was watching an interview where Meryl Streep, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore were talking with Oprah Winfrey.

Public Relations: Antidote for Small Business Failure

When small businesses fail, the wreckage is often assigned to undercapitalization, among other mistakes. Seldom is failure attributed to a lack of effective communications that might have modified the behavior of sales prospects in a positive way, thus averting bankruptcy.

11 MONSTROUS Small Business Marketing Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

Increase your profit potential by identifying - and avoiding - these 11 marketing mistakes.MONSTROUS Marketing Mistake Number 1: Sinking a Fortune Into an Unproven ProductIs your business idea built on market research or a hunch?Entrepreneurs often fall in love with their products or services before they determine if there's a real market, and they throw fistfuls of money into the venture.

Making Direct Mail Work for Small Businesses

If you own a small business, then you know the value of affordable and effective marketing. Unfortunately, many traditional and online advertising methods are becoming quite expensive.

Your Babys Ugly..and Youve Got Bad Breath

I've got good news and bad news. The good news is that 98% of businesses are small businesses.

More Resources

The Art of Sales (And Tips On How To Manage Your Sales Team)
Selling. Cold calls, introductions, interviews, appointments, proposals, referrals, call cycles, building rapport, listening, asking for the order, overcoming objections, closing the sale, and rejection.
How You Can Raise Your Business Earnings By 50% With An Age-Old Magic Truth
Imagine increasing your business earnings by 30, 40, or 50%.And this just by putting into use a fundamental truth of life.
Moving a Business Relationship from Free to Fee: Turning Strangers to Friends with Power of Freebies
In the last issue I shared with you a technique for getting permission to follow up with people who have seen you speak on stage. This was just one example of a tactic for filling your pipeline.
Sales & Marketing Plan Strategies
Design and Implementation of a new Sales & Marketing campaign must be carefully thought through from the beginning. What message do you want to send about your company, products, and services? What are the anticipated results? What is the execution strategy? What is the cost ratio versus expected return?These are just a few of the questions that run through our minds in the early stages of planning.
Sales Tactics to Beat Your Competition
This month I want to share a success from a friend and customer of mine. You'll find in this story two important sales tactics for beating your competition.
The Hidden Competition: Avoiding the 2 Most Common Competitors
There are really only two types of competitor:1. Obvious2.
Sales Competence Isn't About Quota Performance!
Compounding the problem are two myths regarding measures of competency in sales.Myth#1: Quota performance does not equate to sales competency - A salesperson's quota is usually determined by management.
Increase Retail Sales With Meetups
I recently attended the monthly Italian language Meetup here in Little Rock. Meetups are informal social gatherings of people with similar interests in a particular topic.
Want to Increase the Amount of Business that Your Firm is Getting?
Business development is important for every business and refers to the action of bringing in customers or clients that are likely to make positive contributions to a company's bottom line. Business Development is all about establishing relevant and subsisting relationships in the market place.
Increase Your Sales Accept Credit Cards, Part 2
In part two we will discuss overcoming objections, which credit cards to accept and using the check paying option. If your business is home-based or has been in operation for less than two years, you're likely to face objections from the bank.
Are Your Sales Meetings Boring?
Many sales meetings are boring and a waste of salespeople's time, say the majority of salespeople I interview. A review of what's going on in the market is good to know, but to be effective, sales meetings need to be a lot more than that venues for quick market updates.
Your Extended Shadow And Successful Sales Management
In a small midwestern town, the local high school of 878 students recently produced its first state championship basketball team in over 90 years. The community has had an organized city basketball league for its younger boys for many years.
Sex, Drugs, & Rock-n-Roll: Trade Show Traps and Tips
Sex, Drugs & Rock-n-RollHere's the Scenario..
6 Common Mistakes in the Sales Hiring Process
Is lack of sales results, more sales training costs, months ofunearned salary and damage to your company's image orreputation your company's method of NOT finding goodsalespeople? For most companies it is!The "trial and error" method of hiring salespeople is verycostly to a business. Without a viable way to hire qualitysales people everyone in the same organization is negativelyaffected.
Determining Sales Fit; the Key Growth Process for Your Business
Help your organization grow by assessing the right indicators in individuals slated for revenue-generating positions within your company. "Growth Talent", such as sales, account executive, consultant, sales engineer, or other individuals responsible for top-line revenue growth.
14 Top Lead Generation Tactics
According to former Harvard Business School professor David Maister, typical marketing practices are not only inapplicable for professional service firms, but they may be dangerously wrong.Often professional service firm principals tell me they are frustrated with the quality of their marketing materials, they are concerned with their firm's low profile or they feel pressure because their efforts are not generating enough new client leads.
Profitable Relationships: Is It Amateur Hour or King of the Hill?
"We're in the relationship business?..
Management From Within
Inspiration and Management from Within - Part 2.The more you follow the path of exploration into the mystery of life, the more life becomes revealed to you.
Poor Performance - Fix it by Coaching
Coaching is about finding out the cause of poor performanceor behaviour and discussing with the team member how to putit right.The team member might respond immediately to coaching andimprove the situation.
Generous Donor Refused (how qualified business slipped away)
Generous Donor RefusedPicture this. You are a fund development director for a respectable school at a well-known state university.

More Small Business Information:

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The Key To Success - Choose The Right Partners
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