Politics Information
Washington Wants to Forfeit Our Best Weapon Against Coronavirus
Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) and several senior House lawmakers recently announced a plan to impose price controls and seize patents on any COVID-19 vaccines and treatments in development. They vowed to strike down any emergency stimulus packages excluding such measures.
Distillers Poured Resources Into Fighting COVID-19, Now They Need Congress' Help
The coronavirus pandemic has produced thousands of everyday heroes, from doctors and nurses to grocery store workers and delivery drivers.
Embrace Free Trade to Defeat COVID-19
At the 73rd World Health Assembly, public health officials from dozens of countries gathered virtually to discuss strategies to defeat COVID-19.
When Protectionism Endangers Lives
Peter Navarro, one of President Trump's trade advisors, recently slammed pharmaceutical lobbyists for opposing his "Buy American" executive order.
Costs At the PHarmacy are Spiraling, But Price Controls Are the Wrong Solution
Congress is considering two plans to reduce high drug prices. Senators Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) have spent the past several months promoting their Prescription Drug Pricing Reduction Act. Meanwhile, Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) is pushing his alternative, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act.
We Don't Need an Economic Collapse to Curb Emissions
COVID-19 has caused a worldwide economic collapse. Yet some radical environmentalists are celebrating.
Don't Disrupt the Supply Chain in the Midst of a Pandemic
The Trump administration fears America has lost its ability to mass-produce the medicines and medical supplies needed to fight the coronavirus and other, future pandemics. So it's considering an executive order to bring drug and medical-supply manufacturing back to the United States.
Exercising Bayh-Dole March-in Rights Would Handicap COVID-19 Innovation
Scientists across America are working hard to develop treatments for and vaccines against COVID-19. Unfortunately, several activist groups are making their jobs harder.
U. S. Was Right to Avoid Tariffs in Oil Price War
The price for a barrel of West Texas Intermediate crude oil delivered in May recently dropped into negative territory.
New Rule Will Put More African-Americans and Hispanics At Risk For COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic is ravaging the nation and taking a disproportionate toll on African American and Hispanic communities. Yet the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services just moved ahead with a rule that will make it more difficult for vulnerable Americans to access the medicines they need.
America Needs Non-Profits Now More Than Ever
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the country to a crawl. Lawmakers and consumers alike are rightly worried about the economic security of shuttered bars, restaurants, and retail locations. But many have largely ignored the nation's charities.
NEPA Reform is Long Overdue
Ever wonder why it took just over a year to build the Empire State Building - but can easily take three years or longer to build a new road today?
International Medical School Graduates Can Help Fight COVID-19
COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted low-income and minority communities across the United States. In New York City, the epicenter of the pandemic, the poorest quarter of zip codes account for 36 percent of coronavirus cases. The wealthiest quarter, by contrast, account for less than 10 percent. African-Americans and Latinos are more likely to call these hardest-hit zip codes home.
American Innovation Helps Patients Beat Coronavirus
American scientists are working furiously to develop treatments for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19.
Expansion of "Buy America" Rules Would Slow Development of Coronavirus Vaccine
Federal policymakers are considering laws that would force federal agencies to rely solely on medicines made in the United States.
Congress Plans to Steal the Coronavirus Vaccine
Lawmakers in Washington want to confiscate the patents on coronavirus treatments and vaccines -- before biotech companies even finish developing them.
"Buy American" Executive Order Could Slow Delivery of a Coronavirus Cure
President Trump is considering a "Buy American" executive order requiring government agencies to purchase medicines and medical supplies domestically.
Trump's "Buy America" Plan Will Backfire
In response to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration wants to quarantine American manufacturing. At any time now, the president could sign an executive order aimed at returning the pharmaceutical supply chain to the United States.
The Energy Industry Was Ready For COVID-19
The COVID-19 outbreak has made a lot of things uncertain. Americans don't know the next time they'll see toilet paper in a grocery store, let alone whether or not they'll stay healthy or have a job in a week.
Price Controls Punish U.S. Innovators and Economy
America's biopharmaceutical industry dwarfs most other economic sectors. It's one of our nation's single biggest job creators, supporting close to a million positions across the country. And its products save countless lives each year.
Thank This Obscure Law for a Potential Coronavirus Vaccine
According to the Milken Institute, over 70 treatments for COVID-19 are already in clinical trials or progressing toward clinical trials. Several of the inventions behind this flurry of activity resulted from government funded research in U.S. universities.
Coronavirus and the US-UK Free Trade Agreement
The coronavirus has roiled global commerce. How will this pandemic influence trade policy? The upcoming US-UK negotiations will serve as a test.
New Russia Sanctions Are Well-Intentioned -- But Poorly Targeted
Vladimir Putin is arguably the free world's most dangerous foe. In the past few years alone, he has invaded Ukraine, propped up murderous dictators in Syria and Iran, and even meddled in America's elections.
We Can Save the Planet Without Destroying the Economy
More than 250 environmental groups recently petitioned House Democratic leaders to embrace the Green New Deal. They claim banning fossil fuels is the key to ending climate change.
The Smart and Practical Way to Address Climate Change
Lawmakers want to fight climate change, but many of them are taking the wrong approach. Proposals to abandon fossil fuels entirely, like the Green New Deal, are both impractical and expensive.
Correcting This Faulty Belief About COVID-19 Will Save Lives
In times of emergency, misperceptions can prove deadly. That's certainly the case today, amid widespread belief that COVID-19 mainly threatens older Americans.
U.S. Carbon Emissions Are Actually Dropping
Increased natural gas consumption helped bring down U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, according to a recent report from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.
How To Draw On The Power Of Perseverance During COVID-19
People's ability to keep up their spirits is being put to the test during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health concerns, job concerns, and disruptions to day-to-day routines have combined to create a challenging situation for Americans and for people throughout the world.
Patients Should Fear Partnership Between The FDA and Anti-research "watchdog"
FDA regulators have approved over 600 new medicines since the turn of the century. And more treatments are on the way. Scientists are currently developing over 7,000 experimental drugs.
Preventing Suicide During COVID-19 Pandemic
President Trump recently brought suicide to the forefront of national discussion. While coronavirus is estimated to kill thousands of Americans, suicide is a perennial public health problem that social distancing might acerbate. For that reason alone, continuing to talk about the issue is critical.
With Coronavirus, Trump White House Should Revive Drug Rebate Reform
High out of pocket costs likely won't be an issue when a treatment for the coronavirus becomes available. Based on past epidemics, it's probable the government will direct patients to receive a vaccine without having to hand over a copay to an insurance company.
Keep Canadian Drugs Out Of U.S. Medicine Cabinets
The Trump administration recently proposed two rules that would allow states, pharmacies, and drug wholesalers to import non-FDA approved medicines from Canada.
Trump Should Dust Off Last Year's Drug Reform Plan
Voters generally approve of Donald Trump's economic policies -- but give him low marks on health care, according to recent polls. The president, unsurprisingly, is grumbling. He recently chewed out Alex Azar, ordering his Health and Human Services secretary to make progress on reducing drug prices.
Curbing U.S. Population Growth Would Fight Climate Change
Millions of young Americans want to shrink their carbon footprints.
Trump's New Drug Pricing Plan Isn't "The Best Deal" For Patients
President Trump will soon unveil a new plan to reduce drug prices.
End Foreign Freeloading - Don't Import It
Since day one in office, President Trump has been eager to put America first -- even when it has meant upending norms, upsetting political allies, and straining relationships abroad. This eagerness is worth applauding.
It's Time to Turn the Prescription Drug Debate on its Head
Politicians typically blame drug companies for soaring pharmacy prices. But insurers, pharmacies, and other middlemen are the real driving force behind rising drug spending.
Animal Rights Groups Choose Coronavirus Over Your Safety
Top U.S. health officials recently delivered a sobering message: Americans must prepare for the inevitable spread of the coronavirus within the United States. So far in the U.S., 11 people have died. The virus has claimed the lives of more than 3,200 people and infected over 95,000 worldwide.
Curbing U.S. Population Growth Would Fight Climate Change
Millions of young Americans want to shrink their carbon footprints.
Animal Rights Groups Choose Coronavirus over Your Safety
Top U.S. health officials recently delivered a sobering message: Americans must prepare for the inevitable spread of the coronavirus within the United States. So far in the U.S., over 80 people have died. The virus has claimed the lives of more than 6,000 people and infected over 180,000 worldwide.