Personal Technology Information
Compare MP3 Players for the Coolest Features and Sweetest Deals
How can you compare mp3 players to be sure you're getting the best features and price? You've checked some mp3 player ratings, and they're helpful. But iPod reviews and ratings don't answer all your questions.
Plasma TV vs LCD TV
For those seeking to buy their first flat panel TVdisplay device, it is easy to be confused with conflicting and counter claims bydifferent interest parties. So what is the truth in the competition between LCDand Plasma TV? Here's are some pointers before you rush out and buy your flatpanel TV on impulse .
4 Easy Ways to Speed Up A Sluggish PC
Computers are supposed to speed up our productivity?to help us do more in less time. What do you do when your computer is running so slow that it's keeping you from getting your work done? Before you kick it to the curb, try these easy, do-it-yourself suggestions to help your system run & perform better.
Internet Explorer Shortcuts for Mouse-o-phobes
If you're like me, you occasionally find the ubiquitous mouse inconvenient. Here are keyboard shortcuts for Microsoft's Internet Explorer (I.
Ergonomics and Healthy Computing - Positioning Your Body For Maximum Comfort At Your Computer
Do you remember the old saw about how computers would change our lives for the better? We'd have more time to ourselves and lead healthier, happier lives. The truth is computers do make processing information lightening fast.
What are the Main Components of Any Computer, and Which are the Most Critical to Its Performance?
Computers are everywhere, and vary in specification, brands, sizes,shaped, and prices. However, there is one common characteristic amongall computer systems.
Dynamite Comes in Small Packages - Tiny Personal Audio MP3 Players Pack Powerful Music Enjoyment
MP3 players are Hot! Playing music has come a long way since the transistor radio, portable tape and CD player days. Most players are no larger than a deck of cards.
Registry Tools Demystified
Not sure what Windows registry is or how it works? Don't worry - there are tools that can take care of all registry related tasks for you, even if you are a seventy six year old who never used computer before. These are the tools that optimize your registry and make your PC run faster.
How to Save an Image in a SQL Server Database?
Most of the web applications have a lot of images used in it. These images are usually stored in a web server folder and they are accessed by giving the relative path to the file with respect to the root folder of the website.
What Exactly are Screensavers? - part II
Here are some tips on how to use screensavers:First of all you should be careful when you use a screensaver on a LCD. A pixel it's on when it's dark on a LCD.
What Exactly are Screensavers? - part I
After reading this good article you will know some important information about screensavers and their history. You will find out how screensavers are different from other applications and what advantages you'll have if you use them.
5 Steps to Removing PC Clutter
It's hard enough as it is these days to get organized and then remain that way for weeks and months down the road. We are all very busy people, some of us with 9-5 jobs and one hour commutes, and others of us busy making our lives at home work for us, with children at tow and a variety of chores to do as well as errands to run.
Home Video? Bring it On
So you got yourself a digital camcorder. If you want to be able to edit and produce awesome home videos, you'll need some tools.
Why There Are Color Differences in Printing from Your PC
This article describes the basic properties of color, what the relationships are between them and the differences between what you see and what you actually get using your inkjet cartridges.PropertiesMost of you will have come across these three; Hue, Saturation and Brightness; if you have ever messed around with color settings of your images.
Why Using an Ad Blocker Can be a Bad Idea
Ad Blocking is getting to be a common sport on the internet. Now there are some legitimate uses for an ad blocker.