30 Online and Offline Business Networking Resources
By Stephanie Chandler
If you want to take your business to the next level, you should be making time to expand your networks. Networking can create a variety of opportunities ranging from meeting potential clients to locating new business partners. You can discover new ideas, form strategic alliances or find someone you can simply commiserate with. Ideally you should schedule time in your calendar to attend networking events either in person or online. Following are thirty networking resources that can get you on the road to networking success.
1. About.com – Link to this forum for entrepreneurs. There are also many other forums available on a variety of topics. Visit: http://entrepreneurs.about.com/mpboards.htm
2. All Experts – If you have expertise in a special subject matter, you can apply to become a volunteer expert for this site. Experts receive questions from site visitors that should be answered in a timely fashion. While your answers need to be thoughtful and useful, you can use this as an opportunity to promote your own service with your signature line or in your response when appropriate. Visit: www.AllExperts.com
3. Biz Help Forum – Offers a business idea exchange. Visit: www.bizhelpforum.com/
4. Business Know How - These forums cover employee issues, business start-up, marketing, and more. Visit: www.businessknowhow.com/forum/
5. Business Owners Idea Cafe - The “Cyberschmooz” forums offer a variety of topics ranging from business startup to marketing. Visit: www.businessownersideacafe.com/cyberschmooz/
6. Classmates.com – Connect with former classmates or coworkers through this growing network. Visit: www.Classmates.com
7. Company of Friends – Fast Company magazine hosts a networking exchange for its readers to discuss business issues. Visit: www.fastcompany.com/cof/
8. Craigslist – This is an online classified site where visitors can post free ads on a variety of topics. It is also a great place to find out about events, post requests for information or visit online forums. Visit: www.Craigslist.org
9. Ecademy – The tag line for this site is “Connecting Business People.” Members can post to forums, submit articles and make new contacts. Visit: ww.ecademy.com
10. eWomenNetwork – This organization provides a resource for business women to network both online and at local chapter meetings. Visit: www.ewomennetwork.com/
11. Friendster – This community offers members a free profile and a chance to connect with old friends and new friends, or find people with similar interests. Visit: www.Friendster.com
12. Internet Based Moms – Discussions for mompreneurs who work from home. Visit: http://internetbasedmoms.com/bb/
13. LeTip – Offers regional chapter meetings and encourages members to refer additional members to the group. Visit: www.letip.com/
14. Linked In – Use this network to locate career or business contacts. Members can search the database of members by keywords and contact each other directly. Visit: www.LinkedIn.com
15. Meetup – Use this site to locate or initiate events that people can attend in any region of the country. Visit: www.Meetup.com
16. Minding Your Own Business – This forum moderated by Denise O’Berry encourages entrepreneurs to swap ideas. Visit: http://myob-network.ryze.com/
17. National Association of Women Business Owners – Local chapters and networking events across the U.S. Visit: www.nawbo.org/
18. Orkut – This is Google’s affiliate for social networking. Visit: www.orkut.com/Login.aspx
19. Ryze Network – This content rich networking community allows members to connect with others in related fields and participate in or run online forums. Visit: www.Ryze.com
20. Small Business Blogs – Directory of small business-related blogs. Visit: www.blogsforsmallbusiness.com/directory/
21. Small Business Forum – Offers a variety of topics including small business ideas, franchising, insurance, and business plans. Visit: www.small-business-forum.com/
22. Spoke – This community is dedicated to sales professionals, helping to perfect the craft and generate leads. Visit: www.Spoke.com
23. Team Women – Networking for women with local chapters around the country. Visit: www.teamwomen.com/
24. Tickle – This site offers social network forums and groups in a variety of categories including: Activities, Alumni, Business, Computers, Entertainment, Family, Fashion ... Beauty, Hobbies ... Crafts, Home ... Garden, Money ... Investing, Parenting, Pets, Religion, Sports, and Travel. Visit: www.Tickle.com
25. Toastmasters – This is the essential organization for public speakers, providing members with networking opportunities and public speaking skill development. Chapters exist internationally. Visit: www.toastmasters.org/
26. Topica – This site hosts thousands of email lists and discussion forums. Visit: http://lists.topica.com/
27. Tribe – This unique site offers social and business networking opportunities along with events by region with sites in major cities such as Atlanta, Austin, Boston, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Portland, San Francisco, and Washington DC. Visit: www.Tribe.net
28. Yahoo Groups – Whether you’re interested in business, writing, animals, minerals or vegetables, there is probably a Yahoo group established for you. Check out the directory at: http://groups.yahoo.com/
29. Zero Degrees – Another source for career and business contacts. Search the database for contacts and create your own profile. You can also invite others to join your network. Visit: http://www.ZeroDegrees.com
30. Don’t Forget to Go Local – Each city has its own networking group meetings. Check your local newspaper or business journal for meeting announcements. You can also perform an Internet search for your city. For example, search for “Atlanta Business Network” or “Sacramento Business Group.”"