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5 Tips to Prepare Your Home Party Hostess
One of the most important things to remember to have a successful home party is to make sure your Hostess is prepared. Well preparedness of your hostess is essential in having your home party run smoothly. The following tips will help your next home party be a success: 1. Before your home party be sure to meet with the hostess personally. Make sure she is familiar with the products that you carry. Help your hostess come up with a guest list. Remind her of people she could invite such as friends, family co-workers, neighbors and many other places. Tell her to remind guests to bring a friend. 2. Be sure to also give your hostess some catalogs to show possible guests or maybe guests that aren't available for the time of the party. Make her aware of whether or not she may take orders before the show. Review your hostess rewards program with her. Be sure to review the order forms with your hostess so she can help customers place orders. 3. Explain the delivery process. Will the merchandise come directly to her or will you be bringing it to her? Will you be distributing the merchandise to her guest or will she? What are the delivery charges and who pays for them? 4. Discuss plans for refreshments. Is she expected prepare refreshments or will you be bringing them? What are you going to have? 5. Arrive at your hostess's home early before the show. Does furniture need to be moved? Make sure there is enough and proper seating so that each guest will be facing the center of the display. Also be sure there is enough lighting for everyone to see. About the Author
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I'm writing this in response to the every distributor in every company and program that tell you that the greatest things about MLM/Network marketing is the residual/passive/ongoing income that "keeps making you money forever" and they'll even try and convince you that it will "keep on growing" whether you do anything with your business or not. Why? Because it is misleading at best. MLM Professional as a Freedom Fighter "I am a freedom fighter. All of us in the MLM industry are freedom fighters. What 15 Years in the Network Marketing Industry Taught Me Just whisper the words "network marketing" and you're bound toget an emotional response from your listeners.Many people are still saddled with antiquated ideas of how theold multilevel companies were run in the 60's and 70's. 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Work from Home suits almost anyone as it does not interfere with other aspects of our life but rather goes hand in hand with them. Hey Dummy, Youre Asking The Wrong MLM Questions! ($$$$) Talk about total dumbness. I wasted over $3,200 and maybe like four (4) years asking ALL THE WRONG questions. MLM Success Training - The ONE Secret to Building a Massive Wealth Structure in MLM The Ultimate Business Building Goal in MLM.In this MLM training article, we need to cover one other thing:What your Network Marketing Business Building goal really should be. Network Marketing? What Is That? Nowadays, network marketing is very popular in our society. Almost every body knows about that. |
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