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Key Aspects Of A Successful Network Marketing Program
The world of network marketing has many aspects, but promotion, persistence, and patience are three key elements which are vital to achieving successful results in a network marketingprogram. PROMOTION is the lifeblood of network marketing. Whether you are using online methods or offline methods, or a combination of both, you must constantly strive to get your offering in front of a targeted audience. There are thousands of published sources that deal with specific methods of network marketing (both online and offline), but thekey point to be made here is that you must have an activepromotion campaign designed to bring in a steady stream of newprospective downline members. PERSISTENCE is a key element in network marketing success. You've gotta "just keep on keepin' on", even though frustationlevels can be quite high at times. After you have been at it a while, and have a downline large enough to provide reasonably accurate statistics, you will probably find that about 95% of your downline members are dormant and do nothing at all. Its easy to get down in the dumps or take it personally when you encounter so many "do nothing" people. Therefore, it is really important work with and actively support the 5% or so that are serious about participating. And clearly,an active and effective promotion campaign will continue tobring in increasing numbers of potential participants so thatwhile 5% is small on a percentage basis, it can still be a sizeable amount from a pure numbers standpoint. PATIENCE is vital. You can expect that it will take about a yearbefore the awsome power of geometric growth kicks in. A classic illustration of geometric growth is the frequently used penny-a-day example. If you save one penny on the first day, and double it every successive day, (day two you have 2 pennies and day three you have 4 pennies, and so on) how much will you have at the end of 30 days? The answer, to the astonishment of many, is $5,368,708! Amazing, but true. Its a sad statistic that most network marketers fail and it is often traceable to the fact that they did not exhibit enough persistence and patience to continue constantly promoting their business for the year or so that is required for success. Network marketers that stick with it for a year or more often end up becoming the proverbial "heavy hitters". In closing, I would like to encourage you to increase your chances of becoming a successful network marketer by always keeping a clear focus on "the three P's" of Promotion, Persistence, and Patience. Kirk Bannerman operates a successful home based business and coaches others seeking to start their own home based business. Visit his website at Legitimate Home Based Business for more details.
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