What is Professionalism? Are You a Professional?
By Sanjeev Himachali
Let me start this write-up with a question, what is Professionalism? Are you a Professional? Different people must be having different views on this subject and the chances are that all of them are logically correct. Before that let start with Profession…what are you doing? Are you in a profession? Well, if you are drawing Monetary Benefits for what you are doing, then you are in a profession. So, that way, sports, acting, dancing, selling, politics…everything is a profession. But that doesn’t qualify you as a “Professional”. All those who are in any profession are “not professional”. So, then, who is a professional?
In response to my write-up “Your Hello Tunes and Your Interview Calls” (You can read the complete article at http://sanjeevhimachali.blogspot.com/), someone mentioned, “Life is not always divided in professional and personal halves in equal percentage. It is always good to break the monotony of the work. Indians that would include me, seem to copy the British since the time they attained freedom.” Do you think that being a professional is a “Punishment” or is a “Restriction”? Being professional is neither of them. Being professional doesn’t not stop you from “enjoying your work” or “enjoying your life”. Hence, being professional is a “Declaration” to the outsiders.
Being professional is a declaration, wherein you mention, how you like to get treated by others? Its about attitude, behavior, self-presentation; self-respect and dignity. It means not just knowing how to do your job, but demonstrating a willingness to learn, cooperating and getting along with others, showing respect, and living up to your commitments. It also means avoiding many kinds of behaviors that cause trouble in the workplace. It doesn’t matter, if you work as a clerk or a CEO of the company but if you behave the way people expect a professional to behave, you'll be accepted and treated like one.
A person, be in any profession must demonstrate the following behaviors or habit to be called as a “professional”. “Knowledge and skills of their profession; pride in a profession; accountability for his/her work; Commitment to self-improvement of skills and knowledge; Conscience and trustworthiness; enjoying your work; being committed to your work and they must be a good team-players.”
Let me give you a small test, if you think that you are a “professional” ask the following questions to yourself:
Do you live up to your commitments?
How do you behave with others; your sub-ordinates, peers; seniors; friends; internal or external customers?
Do your managers see you in the right light?
What's your integrity level?
Do you truly have all the skills required to be successful at your job?
Does people, your co-workers make comments on the way you carry yourself?
Does you and your place, work place or house, is properly organized?
True answers to all above mentioned questions would let you know, if you are a “professional” or not.
As I said in my previous write-up, I am not here to tell people as how they should behave and what behaviors they should avoid. We are in 21st Century, competing with best of the best in global market. There are certain set standards and expected behaviors that we are expected to follow. There are certain expectations of each profession. Even if you are not in a profession or an unemployed or retired person, just as a Human Being you are expected to behave in a certain manner.
Professionalism is not a punishment, it is not an attempt to restrict your freedom but it is a discipline.
Have a great day and fantastic week ahead. Looking forward to your feedback and comments.
With love and care,
Sanjeev Himachali
(Chandigarh – India)
(Mobile: +91-9876328841)
(Blog: http://sanjeevhimachali.blogspot.com)
(E-mail: ss_himachali@yahoo.com; sanjeev.himachali@gmail.com)