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Cash Advance Payday Loans: Yes The Rates Are Higher!
Typically Cash Advance Payday Loans have no credit checks, and a very minimal amount of paper work. They are mainly concerned that you are, whom you say, you are. And, that you have the income, and the ability, to pay back the loan. And, that you have a checking account. Cash advance loans are designed for emergency situations! When you are short on cash and need money fast! Family emergencies, unexpected car repairs, overdrafts, telephone reconnection, unexpected bill, etc. The Cash Advance Payday Loan industry is the subject of much criticism. Most of it coming from members of the regular established lending industry, banks and credit unions. This is because of the interest rates and fees involved with these short-term payday loans. Typically if you receive a $100 Cash Advance? 7 to 14 days later you will be required to pay back about $125. That may not sound so bad, especially if you really needed that $100 at the time, and know you can easily pay it back plus the extra $25 when you get paid from your job. But if compared to maybe a 6% interest rate from a bank, or even a high 29% if taking a cash advance from a credit card... using the same repayment period, this Payday Loan would equate to somewhere near 500% So consider? If you are strictly comparing interest rates to interest rates, there is no question that the A.P.R. on payday loans are outrageous! But also consider this? will a bank or credit union loan you a quick $100 when you really need it? How about that same day, or within 24 hours? If you have some credit issues? will a bank or credit union even talk to you at all? Even if you have A1 credit, and are in a situation where you needed a little quick extra cash it is very unlikely you can walk into any bank and get it within 24 hours. The one exception would be if you already had a pre-establish line of credit with your own bank. The bottom line is that Cash Advance Payday Loans exist for a reason. They supply a definite need, and there is a definite demand. Most of their customers are not the ones who banks, and credit, union are very anxious to lend money too. And with Online Cash Advance services? you never have to leave your home. Cash Advance companies loan money to people with no credit checks, and very little documentation! That, by anybody's definition, is considered a high risk loan. Of course the interest rate is going to be much higher. If you are thinking about using these services the important thing to consider is: * What is it Going to Cost You to Get the Money? * What is it Going To Cost You, If You Don't Get The Money? * Do You Really Need that Money Now? * Can You Make It To Payday Without It? Getting a Cash Advance, in itself, is not a bad thing! However, if you choose to accept a payday cash advance? be fully aware of what you are doing. Before you accept that money advance make sure you know: * The Exact Total Amount That Must be Repaid. * What Date That Payment is Due. * Be Certain That You Will Have the Money to Make That Payment. Make sure, when you get a payday loan that you are using it for the shortest amount of time possible and get the lowest cash amount you can get by with. This will help you keep your fees to a minimum. There is never any cost, or obligation, to simply apply online with a Cash Advance company. When you are approved, you are still under no obligation to accept the loan. If you would like to view our list of recommended, reputable payday loan companies, click here: Greg Ford is a member of Consumers Info USA. More information, and resources, for Cash Advance Payday Loans can be found at:
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