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What is a Cash Advance Loan?
A cash advance loan is a short-term loan secured by your paycheck. It is also known as a "Payday Loan". A cash advance loan is a quick and confidential way to get a cash advance until your next payday. A cash advance loan is a short term, high rate loan, where the lender requires the loan to be repaid on your next payday. Your funds can be used for anything you like, such as car bills, phone bills, medical emergencies, etc. From time to time, we all find ourselves short on cash between paydays and this mainly occurs because we never know what's round the corner. Cash advance loans are a quick, easy and confidential means to relieve your financial situation. All you need is a checking account in good standing and a steady paycheck to obtain cash till payday. You will need to be employed, have a permanent address, and an active checking account. Cash advance loans, also referred to as payday loans or check advance loans, are short-term loans to help overcome various short-term financial needs. The purpose of a cash advance loan is to provide a way to pay for emergency or immediate expenses that cannot wait until your next payday. People often choose cash advance loans to cover small, unexpected, expenses and to avoid costly bounced-check fees or late payment penalties and other less desirable short-term credit options. How does it work? When a cash advance is approved, usually the borrower authorizes an automatic bank withdrawal, or writes a post dated check to the lender for the amount of the cash advance, plus the lenders fee. The lender then gives the borrower the amount of the check, minus their fee. The fees charged for a cash advance are typically a percentage of the amount loaned. Lenders are required to provide a truth in lending disclosure that shows the full cost of the loan. You can apply and receive loans as often as you need to as long as your previous loan has been paid off. The term of the cash advance loan usually ranges from about one to two weeks, with time extensions available, but more fees are charged for each extension. If you do not have the funds available to repay the cash advance loan on the due date, you should contact the lending company as soon as possible and make arrangements for an extension. However, this can be costly with additional fees and interest charges applied. While the fees can be high, they can be less than the alternative expenses, such as, late charges for utility reconnection, rent penalties, or bounced checks. If you decide to use a cash advance, just remember that it is only a short term loan, and any extensions can be very expensive. Borrow only as much as you will be able to repay with your next paycheck and still have enough money to live on until the following payday. You may freely reprint this article provided the following author's biography remains intact, including the live URL link: About The Author John Mussi is the founder of Direct Online Loans who help homeowners find the best available loans via the website.
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