Creating Unlimited Belief for Success!
What's holding your team back from experiencing "breakout performance"?
It may be those Old beliefs and Personal Insecurities. (aka: conceptual barriers)
Conceptual barriers are the barriers that are right behind the eyes, DEEP within the brain. "Beliefs" which were planted at a very young age and re-enforced over a long period of time - which is why they are so hard to "dislodge".
Use the following exercise to help your team members identify their limiting beliefs and feelings. Then explain how those beliefs and feelings directly impact (positively and negatively) their bottom-line results.
Before we proceed, keep the following quote in mind - it's a powerful reminder of why it is so important to complete sales management activities.
"Successful people DO, what unsuccessful people
are not willing to do."- Unknown
Here are the Four Steps to Overcome Conceptual Barriers:
Step One - Uncover Negative Self-Talk
Ask the employee to tell you what he or she "least" enjoys about each step of the sales management process. Follow up by asking how that particular aspect of the process makes the employee feel.
For example:
- Prospecting/Cold Calling - (feels like I am intruding)
- Asking for the Business - (feels like I am being pushy)
- Cross-Selling/Up-Selling - (feels like I am taking advantage)
- Assumptive Closing - (feels like I am being presumptuous)
Step Two - Identify Beliefs that are the root source of negative feelings toward sales management practices.
Go back to our prior examples of Old Beliefs that get in the way of our progress in the sales management process:
- Don't talk to strangers
- It is impolite to talk about money
- Never interrupt important people
- Wait to be asked
Help the employee understand and be aware of why it is that they may feel the way they do.
Employees should understand that they feel the way they do for a reason. Once they understand this it can be much easier for them to make a decision to overcome their old belief(s).
Step Three - Turn Limiting Beliefs into Unlimited Possibility!
Illustrate the following to your employee so they can clearly see how their beliefs and feelings ultimately "pre-determine" their outcome.
On one hand:
Positive Beliefs » Positive Feelings » Actions » Positive Results
And on the other hand:
Limiting Beliefs » Negative Feelings » Inaction » Negative Results
So based on the preceding, it's obvious which hand offers the most value - correct?
Step Four - CHOOSE a path together!
Obviously, if an employee is unwilling to work to overcome conceptual barriers, then you should agree that a sales position is not the right fit.
You should either find a more suitable role for the person, or part ways so he/she may pursue a more rewarding opportunity somewhere else.
Let's assume however that the employee seeks to overcome their conceptual barriers and is willing to take ownership of their plan for improvement.
As the leader, you have an important role to play in your employee overcoming their limiting beliefs. You are responsible for supporting the employee in three key areas. Once again, they are:
- TEACH - lead by example, reinforce positive actions and behaviors
- COACH - help to improve technique, debrief progress, track results, ensure employee stays on task
- EXPECT - inspect what you expect, hold yourself and your employee accountable for continued improvement and increased results.
In conclusion, ask yourself the following question.
Can you name one person who is a top performer that:
- believed he wouldn't be successful?
- feels she shouldn't be successful?
- does not take the actions necessary for her to become successful?
The answer to each question? "Of course not!" Right?
So by default we must agree that in order for anyone to be successful, he/she must understand what is holding him or her back.
Then, she must be willing to work to overcome obstacles, and choose to proactively follow a corrective action plan.
Finally, he must "execute" the plan.
Through this process he will build new beliefs that will enable him to discard that old and tired, limiting belief.
Richard Gorham is the founder and President of Leadership-Tools, Inc. His web site, is dedicated to providing free tools and resources for today's aspiring leaders. Offering high-quality tools in the areas of Business Planning, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Sales Management and Team Building/
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