Goal Setting Information |
Your Goals Are Unique
We have just begun another new year in our lives. It is time to regroup and rethink our goals and desires. Our goals may be partially dictated by outer circumstances. These are cases where we need more money for food, repairs to the home or automobile, medication, winter clothing, heat and so forth. These goals are established by necessity. Other goals are those established by desire or want. We may desire a more attractive appearance, an automobile which will be the envy of all who see it, a mansion instead of a home, a summer home in the mountains and a winter home in the tropics. These desires can be turned into goals. When the desire is strong enough, the goals can be readily achieved. There are those who will not believe this statement. For those, I say to look back over your life and think about those times when you wanted something so badly you just knew you would die if you did not get it. Perhaps it was a new bicycle, or a new doll, or a new romance in your life. When you wanted that something so bad you could not sleep nights for thinking about it, you usually either got the item you desired or something even better. You may also have found that once your dream was fulfilled it wasn't quite what you thought it should be. In other words, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Much has been said and written concerning goal setting. Briefly put, it is to determine what you want and set goals for getting it. Your goals should be attainable, but not without some effort and extension on your part. The goals should not be so far-fetched as to be unattainable. Your goals will be unique to you and your desires. No other person can establish your goals for you. Should they try to do so, they have imposed their goals on your life. Your goals should be in line with your ethics and morals, and something you deeply desire. A superficial wish cannot be considered a goal. We have been given this life to develop, change, grow and enjoy. There is no reason for lack of any type in our lives, for there is ample abundance on this earth and in the universe. We are where we are at this point in our life because this is where we have chosen to be. We have the choice of abundance or abject poverty. You say this is not so, that you were born in abject poverty and have had no opportunity for a fine education or experience to qualify you for a better position in life. I say you can always seek higher and better opportunities. Look around you. A relative few inherited their wealth from their ancestors. The great majority of those having abundance in their lives started with very little. They refused to be limited by circumstances and created their own opportunities. They rightly exercised their power of choice. Have you and I effectively used our power of choice? You will have to answer that question for yourself. About The Author Copyright © Robert Taylor Introducing the Quick Way to Internet Profits. At Last! You can discover the closely guarded secrets to Internet profits the quick way. To find out how to do it now, go to: http://www.traffictoyoursite.com/quickway.html
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Stop Scoring Own Goals Own goals are actions, things we do, that stop us from reaching where we want to go or what we want to obtain. When we are out of focus, when we are out of tune with what's going on, when we do something which takes us in the opposite direction of where we were going or should be going, we have scored an own goal. Quick Tips On Achieving Your Goals Want to achieve your goals faster?Edward W. Smith, motivational speaker, author and TV show host, who specializes in quick tips on how to move your life ahead even faster, offers the following advice. Reach Your Goals- Set Clear Intentions It is from intentions that all things manifest. To intend to go to point B from point A will result in the arrival at point B. Money, a Session With Joseth on Abundance and Money (Channelled) (Channelled)(This communication with Joseth happened more than a year ago, while I was focused on bringing money into my life. Apparently I still haven't managed to manage my thoughts correctly to bring all the money into my life that I desire. Top Ten Methods for Never Achieving Your Goals Top Ten methods to never achieve your goals:1. Be really vague about it. 21 Life Changing Questions You Cant Afford to Not Ask! Imagine finally taking off seven coats you've been wearing on top of each other for years and years. You've forgotten that some people consciously choose to live without seven layers of coats on even though most people are living that way. Rebuilding Oneself: The Universes Basic Training I remember Air Force Basic Training. My Training Instructor not only wanted to teach me the military way, but he also wanted to break me down so that he could rebuild me according to the needs of the military. Ten Reasons To Have an Inspired, World Changing Goal In a nutshell, having an inspired, world-changing goal is the difference between idly walking along a path leading to nowhere and taking a purpose-filled journey to somewhere.But before you can really consider why you need an inspired, world-changing goal in your business, it's important to first understand what exactly an inspired, world-changing gGoal is. Not Satisfied With Where You Are; STOP - Change The Action Change The Outcome "If you keep on doing what you have always done, you will keep on getting what you have always gotten!" So if you don't like how things are going in any area of your business, career, life, STOP!Think about what you want, focus in on what's important and develop strategies and simple steps you can take to do something new and achieving new results.A lot of what we do as "normal" or "routine" is a habit, and if we don't like where we are it's a bad habit. How To STAY on TARGET with Your BUSINESS Plans Set your GOALS - write them down! Most of us have specific ideas and plans for achievements over time ~ and that is a GOOD thing for all.. Getting ready for a transition? Read the Fine Print of Your Dream "In the factory we make lipstick; in the drugstore we sell hope." That's what Charles Revson, Revlon's founder, supposedly said. Share Your True Colors Don't you just love the leaves changing colors in the fall? Here in the Midwest we are almost at the peak of leaf peeping season. The trees are showing their true colors - glorious yellows, reds, and oranges. The Psychology Of Success Everybody has a dream. A fantasy, if you like. Goal Setting - Get Exactly What You Want! I am writing you from the quaint sea town of New Bern, NC where my wife and I are catching some much needed R&R.Lately many of our students have been telling us that their biggest goal is to leave their current 9 to 5 J-O-B and start investing in real estate full time. Re-invent Yourself : 7 Steps to Becoming a New You! Do you like your life the way it is? Would you like to change some, or all of it? Well, here's good news: You can be whatever you want to be. You can re-invent yourself. When You See Money as a Tool in Your Goal Setting Process, You Will Lead a More Balanced Life Where Does Money Fit In the Goal Setting Process?Some view money as the most important tool in goal setting. Others consider making money as their primary goal, in spite of everything else. Sabbatical from Work? Start Here! Many people envy academics who take sabbaticals. What they don't realize is that sabbaticals are not designed as time on the beach. One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success Perhaps you have never taken a stock of the most valuable and precious wealth of yours. Every person possesses it since the day of birth. Your Goals Clearly In Mind Keep Your Goals Fresh In Your Mind - Most of us have goals, the question is how many of us actually follow-up and work those goals.What I mean is going a step further then actually recording your goals, with that said the question is how do we effectively work our goals list. Ask yourself, So what? Neil Armstrong made his first moon walk on July 20, 1969, two months before I entered college. I remember that many Americans were euphoric about this accomplishment. |
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