Top Ten Tips To Get Started Writing Your Book - Part 1

You are far more likely to successfully write and publish your book if you follow these tips before you [start writing] write a single chapter.

1. Write your print or eBook's working title.

Knowing your book title helps you focus and answer the readers' number one question about your book's topic. Some non-fiction needs subtitles as well. It's better to be clear than clever, but the ultimate winning combination is clear and clever. Which titles grab you? "Passion At Any Age: Twelve Ways to Unleash It," "Self-Promotion for the Creative Person." or "Quadruple your Book's Online Sales in Four Months." Your title is the number one "Essential 7 Hot-Selling Point" of your book.

2. Write your book's thesis.

A thesis reflects the number one benefit of your book. It answers your reader's question, "How will this book solve my challenge of...?" Knowing the thesis before you write the book keeps you on track so you write focused, compelling copy that is easy to read. All chapters should support your book's thesis. For "10 Non-Techie Ways to Market your Book Online," the thesis is: "No spam ways to quadruple book sales in four months." A best title often includes your thesis.

3. Test your book's significance.

While most writers fear their book won't sell, your book is significant if it has these elements: It presents useful information. It has the potential to positively affect people's lives. It's lively, humorous. It helps answer important reader questions. It creates a deeper understanding of human nature. If your book has only two elements, it will be worth writing. With three or more, it's a potential great seller. Make your book a priority so you can express your mission helping others to a better life, and at the same time make a consistent lifelong income.

4. Pinpoint your preferred audience.

When you give your book an angle, it sells much better. No, not everyone will want to read your book. When you write for one audience at a time, each story, tip, or how to's pack in so much more power. Writing for the general audience is all right if you are already famous--think of the Chicken Soup series.

Choose and post your audience's picture and profile right in front of you as you write. Remember to multiply sales exponentially, think of the small business audience on the net, ready and willing to buy either your print or eBook now. Knowing your audience before you write will make each chapter, line, or paragraph be organized, compelling and easy to read. This idea transfers well to Web sites, seminars, teleclasses, and ecommerce too.

Create an audience profile. How old are your prospective readers? Male? Female? Are they interested in personal growth, science fiction, mystery, how-to books? What challenges do they face? Are they business people? What magazines and Web sites do they like? Are they Internet savvy? What causes do they support? Will they be willing to spend $15-$30 on your book? Where will they go to buy it? (not the brick and mortar book store)

5. Know your book's 30-60 second "tell and sell" before your write it.

Like a billboard, this 2-3 sentence blurb will be so useful to you when you meet people at a networking meeting or in the elevator, and have only a few minutes to talk about your book.

Don't go on and one in generalities. Give your potential reader a reason to buy. . It's the hook, not the book.

First, write down your title. Second, write down your preferred audience. Third, list your book's top three benefits. Last, compare your book with a famous author is your field. "Passion at Any Age" is the "Artists Way" for seniors or "Write your Print and eBook at the Same Time" starts where Dan Poynter left off with the how to's to put a chapter together so it sells, and pre-marketing tips in the "Essential Hot-Selling Points."

Write and practice this short statement. Be willing to edit so it's laser fresh--maybe 5-15 times. Ask your associates for feedback. Which benefits impressed them? What do they remember most from it?

Writing a book is so much easier when you approach it in small bites. Knowing these ten parts help you ask and answer the specific questions and challenges your audience wants solutions for. Then, your book has a chance to make you consistent, ongoing income. Part two of this article is available at

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