Discover the Positive Effects of Exercise for Diabetes Sufferers

There are two main types of diabetes, type I and type II. Type Idiabetes is characterized by the pancreas making too little or noinsulin. An individual with diabetes type I will have to injectinsulin throughout the day in order to control glucose levels.Type II diabetes, also known as adult onset diabetes, ischaracterized by the pancreas not producing enough insulin tocontrol glucose levels or the cells not responding to insulin.

When a cell does not respond to insulin, it is known as insulinresistance. When a subject is diagnosed with type II diabetes,exercise and weight control are prescribed as measures to helpwith insulin resistance. If this does not control glucose levels,then medication is prescribed. The risk factors for type IIdiabetes include: inactivity, high cholesterol, obesity, andhypertension. Inactivity alone is a very strong risk factor thathas been proven to lead to diabetes type II.

Exercise will have a positive effect on diabetes type II while improving insulin sensitivity while type I cannot be controlled be an exercise program. Over 90% of individuals with diabetes have type II.

Exercise causes the body to process glucose faster, which lowersblood sugar. The more intense the exercise, the faster the bodywill utilize glucose. Therefore it is important to understand thedifferences in training with type I and type II diabetes. It isimportant for an individual who has diabetes to check with aphysician before beginning an exercise program. When trainingwith a diabetic, it is important to understand the dangers ofinjecting insulin immediately prior to exercise. An individualwith type I diabetes injecting their normal amount of insulin fora sedentary situation can pose the risk of hypoglycemia orinsulin shock during exercise.

General exercise guidelines for type I are as follows: allow adequate rest during exercise sessions to prevent high blood pressure, use low impact exercises and avoid heavy weight lifting, and always have a supply of carbohydrates nearby. If blood sugar levels get too low, the individual may feel shaky, disoriented, hungry, anxious, become irritable or experience trembling. Consuming a carbohydrate snack or beverage will alleviate these symptoms in a matter of minutes.

Before engaging in exercise, it is important for blood sugarlevels to be tested to make sure that they are not below 80 to100 mg/dl range and not above 250 mg/dl. Glucose levels shouldalso be tested before, during, after and three to five hoursafter exercise. During this recovery period (3-5 hours afterexercise), it is important for diabetics to consume amplecarbohydrates in order to prevent hypoglycemia.

Exercise will greatly benefit an individual with type II diabetesbecause of its positive effects on insulin sensitivity. Properexercise and nutrition are the best forms of prevention for typeII diabetics. It is important for training protocols to berepeated almost daily to help with sustaining insulinsensitivity. To prevent hypoglycemia, progressively work up tostrenuous activity.

As with individuals with type I diabetes, carbohydrates shouldalso be present during training to assist in raising blood sugarlevels if the individual becomes low.

The information contained in this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to medically diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Consult a health care practitioner before beginning any health care program.

Emily Clark is editor at Lifestyle Health News and Medical Health News where you can find the most up-to-date advice and information on many medical, health and lifestyle topics.

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