Diabetes Has Become A Risk in Mens Life

This is true that men with diabetes have an increased risk of developing erectile dysfunction compared with men without diabetes. Erectile dysfunction in diabetes has many potential causes, including the specific diabetes complications of neuropathy and vascular disease, as well as conditions commonly associated with diabetes, such as hypertension, use of various medications or psychogenic factors.

Diabetic impotent men reported worse erectile function and intercourse satisfaction at baseline, and ED had a greater impact on their emotional life. Diabetic men with ED had significantly different trends over time in the Erectile Function, Intercourse Satisfaction, Sexual Desire, Overall Satisfaction, and the Sexual Experience.

It is well established that erectile dysfunction is a serious condition that becomes more common as men age. Many older men, however, report that they are never questioned regarding their sexual function even though older men can still have satisfactory erectile capacity and enjoy satisfying sexual relationships.

As you probably know, impotence is the main sexual problem experienced by men with diabetes. In fact, as many as 50-60% of men with diabetes experience impotence at some point. Impotence, also called male erectile dysfunction, is the inability to have and maintain an erection rigid enough for sexual intercourse.

The following factors can cause the problems men to experience diabetes-related sexual dysfunction:

a). Nerve damage caused by poor blood sugar control over a long period of time.b). Circulation problems such as heart disease and high cholesterol, and others that relate to circulation. c). Some medications such as blood pressure drugs, antidepressants, and stomach ulcer medications may have side effects that cause sexual dysfunction. Be sure to check with your doctor to see if any medications you're taking could cause ejaculation or erection problems. d). Emotional or psychological factors such as depression, anger, stress and low self-esteem. These often contribute to sexual disinterest even if they're not the main cause. e). Use of recreational drugs like alcohol and marijuana. d). Low testosterone levels.

Now these days, several treatments are available for sexual dysfunction and it depend upon the physical and psychological factors specific to your condition. Cialis is probably the most well known drug that treats impotence.

Diabetes can lead to sexual problems for women also but not men only. These problems are often created by a complication known as neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a nerve disorder caused by diabetes. Symptoms include numbness and sometimes pain in the hands, feet or legs. Neuropathy can also affect the nerves that control internal organs, genitals, small blood vessels and sweat glands of the skin, bladder muscles, and the gastrointestinal tract. These nerves are called autonomic nerves because they control parts of your body that you don't move voluntarily. Autonomic neuropathy is the type of nerve disorder that causes sexual dysfunction in men and women with diabetes.

Richard Gary writting here, it was really nice experience to visit this particular site about Erectile Dysfunction. In fact, what happened, I was just going through all the sites in which articles are posted by Medical practitionars related with impotency that time I got your site. It has nice articles and few of them are really informative for those patients who are suffering from impotency. By saying, it is just opposite of impotency but in Men's life, it has become great problem and disaster. But with the smartwork and hardwork of research teams and scientists, we have got the solution of impotency problem.

More information can be retrieved from the official site as http://www.cialis.com, there are also other informative sites as, http://www.cialismagic.com and http://www.diabetes.org, and these sites contain a lot of information about Erectile Dysfunction and diabetes respectively and their effects.

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