Do Natural Stress, Anxiety, and Depression Supplements Really Work?

Unfortunately, millions of Americans currently suffer from the debilitating effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. In the pharmaceutical industry, anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants are among the best-selling medications on the market.

The everyday stressors faced by Americans have simply become too much for many to bear, and reasonably so. In recent years, taking an anti-anxiety medication or antidepressant has become as common as taking a multivitamin. However, the side effects and long-term effects of such medications were for the most part unknown until recently.

In the past year, some of the drastic negative effects of such medications have come to light, much to the horror of patients and physicians alike. Anti-anxiety medications and antidepressants have been linked to addiction, severe withdrawal, weight gain, vertigo, and even suicide and death. To treat the symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression, without negative health implications, many are now turning to natural supplements -- safely and with much success.

Most consumers are confused about which natural stress, anxiety, and depression supplements to take. Fortunately, there are now a few promising natural supplements on the market which offer truly effective results, safely. The challenge lies in distinguishing the effective products from the one's that are based more on marketing hype. It is critical that the product you choose contains those ingredients proven effective for treatment through clinical study, and that those ingredients are of the highest grade and included in the proper dosage in the product. This is the key to getting the results you desire - freedom from stress, anxiety, and depression.

After researching nearly every available natural anxiety product on the market today I can tell you that many products contain low-grade ingredients in amounts far too small to be truly effective. There are a few, however, with clinical research behind them that also contain quality ingredients in efficacious doses.

These products offer the definite potential to counter your emotional and physical responses to stress, anxiety, and depression. After review of the products and the available scientific literature only those products that met the criteria were recommended, Here is a list of the Top The Top 10 Stress, Anxiety and Depression Supplements On The Market Today:

1) Anxietol 7
2) Welatonin
3) Pinadol
4) Seredyn
5) Prosera
6) Amoryn
7) Euphorx
8) HerbVal Supra
9) Clarocet-NRI
10) Relora

Tess is a contributing consultant, columnist, and writer for various health, fitness. and medical publications. Her new book "Natural Relief For Anxiety and Depression" is scheduled for release in June 2005.

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