3 Reasons Why Inner Game Will Help Your Love Life

What Does `Inner Game` Mean?

`Inner Game` is what we call the continual process of mental health with regards to dealing with attractive members of the opposite sex, and people in general. It also means replacing negative conditioned thoughts that you may have held since childhood about women and society, with positive one`s that are not only true, but help you as well.

Have you ever had great success in one venue, maybe house parties, but were unable to succeed with women you met other places, like perhaps Clubs?

Often it is easier for you to be cool and social in one venue than another. This is your `comfort zone`. You know what to say, how to say it, and who to say it too. But outside of that zone, you are toast! This is because we often use certain external techniques and social skills that do not really apply to every venue we might find ourselves in. When you have deep set beliefs that you are a high status male, and that no matter where you are, that you are among the elite males, then all these anxieties and problems fall away.

How? Because your strength and resolves makes other people change THEIR mode of behavior to suit yours. If Bill Clinton walked into a raging rock concert or hip hop concert, this one man, would have everyone in a completely different frame of mind, all begging to appease HIS way of interaction. The people bend to YOU.

Inner Game Positively Influences Your Body Language

* Fifty-five percent of the communications signals we send results from how others see us

* Thirty-eight percent flows from the way they hear us

* Seven percent comes from our words

Source: http://www.barkscomm.com/fa_nonverbal.asp

Having solid Inner Game allows your body language to accurately communicate. This is called `congruence`, when your words are matched by your attitude and body language. If you say Super Man things to a woman, but feel like Clark Kent inside, she WILL know, and you will get nowhere with her.

Inner Game Improves Every Aspect Of Your Life, Making You More Attractive

I saved the best for last. Inner Game development need not be limited to confidence and belief setting with women. It can apply to everyone, and life in general. You can rethink previous ideas, like you'll never be able to get into a good college, or you'll never make a good XYZ and then your subconscious will begin helping you to change so that these things can happen. What is best is that being successful in life ( and I don't mean being rich ) will make you doubly attractive to women, and that will raise your confidence even more. It is cyclical.


Not learning proper Inner Game techniques can lead to ALOT of frustration AND embarrassment too using seduction tactics that seem incongruent. Without Inner Game, no amount of "negging", or "cocky funny" will allow you to have lasting success with women.


Adrian Calvin did not always do well with women, and he wanted to figure out how. After having learned the skills through much trial and error he now teaches others how to have increasing success with beautiful women.

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