Online Dating Tips - Five Steps to Creating Your Profile

Creating your online dating profile is an aspect often commonly overlooked by online daters. You sign up for a dating service, forget about it, no-one contacts you and you give up. Why? You have not marketed yourself properly - so many daters fail even to post a picture!

Imagine if you are going out for a night out on the town - you make an effort, you wear your best clothes, you do your hair, you make an impression - this is what you need to do online.

Five things you should do to create a quality dating profile:

1. Post a Picture

This is the most important aspect of your dating profile. You have a far greater chance of someone contacting you if you have a picture. Just think if you saw a profile without a picture would you contact them? Most dating sites including our own at allow quick and easy upload of your photos.

Finally if you do decide to upload a photo (and who wouldn't) make sure it is of a reasonable standard, that is you are easily visible to the viewer. Poor quality, small or long distance photos can put potential prospects off.

2. Fill out your dating profile questionnaire

This is usually fairly simple and should not take more than a few minutes. Basic profile information such as height, hair colour etc.. should always be filled out. Remember not to lie - if you are serious about meeting someone it is always best to be honest from the beginning.

3. Write a Description of yourself

A brief description of yourself is an important element in your dating profile. When writing your description remember just be yourself. Tell them a bit about yourself, what you do for a living, what you are looking for, your personality and so on. Try to be positive about yourself and create a good impression.

4. Check your spelling

Probably the obvious one but even the best of use can get lazy when it comes to typing. It is very easy to make mistakes which a quick once over could eliminate. Double check all spelling and grammar, if possible with a spell checker. Remember it does not have to be perfect but major spelling errors should be avoided if possible.

5. More Tips

Once you have done all this it may be worth taking a look at what else you can do to make yourself stand out. Many online dating sites including our own allow you to upload multiple photos, audio and even video. Of course these are not essential but can help to make your profile stand out from the others.

We hope this has given you some general tips on creating your online dating profile and helped you to realize the very real importance of creating a good quality photo personal. Remember like the real world you are often competing with many others so make yourself standout and get yourself noticed.

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