The Train Is Coming

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

Stay on the platform???the train is coming! This is what a young lady said to me earlier today as we conversed while riding the train. As we talked about relationships, she expressed the fact that she had given up. This conversation was very similar to one I had the night before with another sister who also had given up. Both ladies had become discouraged and given up all hope of ever having a loving lasting relationship based on their past experiences and unpromising statistics.

I agreed with both that they should give up, but remain steadfastly on the platform. I advised them that when they give up it should only be in a spirit of "letting go" and allowing God to send the divinely ordained mate that He has prepared. I encouraged them to resist giving in to bitterness, anger, or resentment. I intimated that if they don't stay on the platform, they will miss "their" train when it pulls into the station. So, how do you stay on the platform? What do you do while you wait?

Read. Most times as I'm waiting for the train, I have a good book with me to read and keep me company. As you wait for your train to come in, why not pick up a few books on relationships or self-improvement. Learn how relationships work. Get clarity on who you are and what you want in a relationship. Be clear about the type of relationship you are seeking. Learn what makes men tick and what ticks them off. Knowledge is power! A few good books to pick up are:

The Five Love Languages - How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to your Mate by Gary Chapman

A Fine Romance - The Passage of Courtship from Meeting to Marriage by Judith Sills

Intellectual Foreplay - Questions for Lovers and Lovers to Be by Eve Eschner Hogan with Steve Hogan.

Knight in Shining Armor - Discovering your Lifelong Love by P.B. Wilson

Travel Lightly. Too much baggage will over-burden you and there might not be any room for you when the train pulls into the station. Have you dropped the baggage of your last relationship? What about the one before that? I don't know where you live, but the trains in NYC are crowded with lots of women waiting.

Preparation + Positioning = Perfection. You can wait confidently because you know that if you are in the right station, on the right platform at the right time, your train will come, however; if you are unsure of your station, platform and time, you might miss your train and fail to reach your destination. The station refers to your season in life. If you are in the season of preparation, no matter how hard you pray for a man, he's not going to show up because it is not your season to be in a relationship.

Delay is not denial. Sometimes we panic when it appears that the train is late. We fear that we've missed it or that another one won't come for a long time. Have faith! The train is coming. "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength." Isaiah 40:31

YOUR DIVINE MATE IS SEEKING YOU AND YOU CAN ONLY MEET DIVINELYNoted author Iyanla Vanzant states, "Your divine mate already exists. You are being prepared to meet one another. Through your many growth experiences, and the purpose that is etched in your soul, the day will come when you will meet face-to-face. It will be crystal clear that this person is the right one. She will not need fixing. He will not require work. You will be touched in a place in your heart and soul that, until that divine day, has been untouched. As you allow yourself to accept the reality that your divine mate exists, it will unfold as a reality to you. You can stop looking, forcing and trying to make it happen. You need not fret or worry or allow yourself to be lonely, because your divine mate already exists. You can stop looking out for him or her. Instead, spend your time looking within. When you get to the place in yourself that is peaceful divine love, your mate will be revealed."

Coach Yvonne Chase

The Single Womans Cheerleader

877-7-RELATE (773-5283)

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