Creativity Isnt Just About Art It Is About Healing

Go on, pick up a pen, hold it in your hand and ask, " What can you do for me?"What do you hear? If you listen with your heart you may hear " I can show you a world within that only you and I can explore! Let's start writing and see what we can find."

As you travel deeper within you will start to find a world of emotion and thoughts that you never imagined you had, whether you are delving into those dark corners of pain or dancing into the lightness of your being. Once you have expressed through writing you may feel lighter from this experience, or you may become aware that there is more writing and healing to be done. Allowing your words to flow gives you the freedom to experience more of who you really are.

You can start by writing each morning, when you wake, without interruption. Just let the words flow without thinking about or judging them, allow them to come through. As you continue to do this each day it will become a lot easier and you will be surprised at how much lighter you feel from this experience. These are your words and if you keep them for your eyes only, you can write whatever you feel without the fear of others seeing it.

Writing is just one tool that you can use. As you open up to being more creative you can start to explore your inner world of colour. Painting is a powerful media to use and it is important at first to use the non-dominant hand. The reason for this is that you want to connect with the right side of the brain which helps you to be more intuitive, creative and non judgemental. The left side is responsible for logic, judgement and fears. It wants to control and keep everything neatly boxed in. Painting with your dominant hand only taps you into those fears. It is important to learn how to play first, that is where the joy and fun is.

I have watched others go through their creative exploring and they have experienced profound awareness and have been opened up to a world that they had no idea existed within them.

Among the many forms of creative healing, mandala making is a wonderful way to bring forward that which you would like to manifest in your life. Along with journaling, Imagery healing is a great way to get in touch with physical problems and to find out what emotions and thoughts are stored.

Mask making is a great way to see the masks that we wear in life. What masks do you wear? Are you a Mother? Sister? Brother? Are you the boss of a company? Yet, who are you really?

I remember running a mask making group with 30 people and we started to discuss the masks we wear in life. There wasn't a dry eye in the room, it was moving to watch everyone express their reality of not knowing who they really were.

Ask yourself, "who am I and what do I want? Am I living my life purpose? Am I in touch with my creative side? Am I willing to explore even more deeply into those parts of myself? Am I shining brightly with love and energy the way I know I can?"

If you have answered no to any of these, then you could possibly be feeling some uneasiness within, be it physical or emotional. Everything that manifests within us comes from our thoughts. Are you ready to know your purpose? Are you ready to shine brightly? Are you ready to have a beautiful healthy relationship? Are you ready to be healthy?

If you have answered yes to this then, what is stopping you?Emelisa Mudle has been running workshops from her home in Currumbin Valley for the last 4 years she has also travelled running these workshops in many areas including America. She has found from these experiences people have gained much insight into themselves in a fun way. They have found tools to use which assist them to gain more clarity and purpose with what they want to achieve, as well as the freedom to express and be their own healers.. Emelisa may be contacted on her website is

Emelisa is a an artist and workshop fascillitator. For 12 years her passion is one of self love, breaking the unhealthy patterns of childhood and becomming what she really beleives to be in hear heart Love. Emelisa enjoys sharing with a passion and loves to do talks to assist others to embrace there beautiful selves. There isnothing more beautiful thatn the journey of self.

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