Taking it Step by Step: Combining Intuition, Spiritual Purpose, and Creativity

Something I have always found helpful is taking affirmative action where the universe and my path in life are concerned. Many years ago when I first read Louise Hay's You Can Heal Your Life, one thing she said stuck in my mind; always put your order in to the Universe. How do you receive what you want if you never place your order? It's like going to a restaurant. I found this concept very powerful at the time and continue to use it today. One way I do that is by affirming to the Universe that I am taking steps to achieve my goals. I do this through the hands-on creative process of creating stepping stones. Not only have I been making these stones for several years, but I teach this process to others as well. It is a powerful spiritual exercise.

During this creative stepping stone process, you discover your inner path, uncover your spiritual nature and open to the Universe by setting your intentions to step forward. Taking a step, figuratively and literally, by creating the 'stepping stone' sends out a call to the Universe with an affirmation of your intention and desire. Each stone you create can be a symbol of that intention. Stepping forward opens up energy around you to help you achieve your goals. It's always surprising to see what wonderful things start to happen after you create new stepping stones.

Stones can be decorated with symbols of your intention, words, colors, etc. This may include feathers, leaves, shells, stones or crystals. Each stepping stone is as unique as your individual path. No two stones are ever alike. It is a wonderful process of self discovery and creative expression.

What message or 'order' would you like to place with the Universe? Are you prepared to show the Universe you are ready to take the steps involved in having what you're asking for? Think about it? then take the action. Go to a local hardware store or a Home Depot and buy masonry mix that only requires you to add water. I use plastic trays that go underneath flower pots as molds for stepping stones. Just follow directions for the mortar mix and use a trowel to smooth it into place. While the mix is still wet, decorate the stone with your intentions- I use a pencil to draw words and intentions on mine, sometimes Chinese symbols, maybe crystals, etc. It's all up to you! You are the creator of your stones, and the creator of your path- you determine what step you will take next. This is a wonderful action to empower yourself and to send a clear message to the Universe at the same time.

Let the stone dry for 24 hours in a warm place and then pop it out of the mold. The stepping stones can be displayed in your home, garden path, or flower bed upon completion.

Good luck with it and have fun!

© 2004 Jodie Foster

Jodie Foster is an Intuitive Counselor who assists clients to create extraordinary transformations in their everyday lives. Her work is uplifting, empowering and success-oriented. You can visit Jodie's website at http://www.illuminationsnetwork.com for further information and to schedule a private intuitive session. You can also look for weekly updates to her blog at: http://intuitiveinnovations.blogspot.com.

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