Creating Reality - Discovering the Magician Within

We all create our own reality each and every day, whether we are aware of the power that we possess or not. We all have a built-in mechanism that runs twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, three-hundred-sixty-five days a year, non-stop.

Each and every one of us is a powerful Magician. It's just that somewhere along the line, someone forgot to tell us just how powerful we really were. We have not been trained in how to best use our natural magical abilities, therefore we go through life, creating in one moment, and then destroying our creation in the next.

No wonder it is so difficult for some people to get ahead in life.

How many times have you had an idea or a thought about what you wanted to do or have, but that little nagging voice in the back of your head told you that you weren't worthy, that you couldn't afford it, or that it was never going to happen?

Once you understand the keys to creating your own reality, and how you have been destroying your own creations, you can begin to channel your power in an efficient and powerful way, and begin to create the life that you truly desire.

You see, it is by thinking that we create our realities. What we think we become. What we think about we draw into our lives. It is through working with the power of thought that we work our magic.

And it's easy. Even a child can do it. When you were a child you thought innocently that all things were possible. You thought that you lived in a magical world. And the truth is, you did!

But when you got older some adult that you trusted and believed in told you that your ideas were only make-believe, that they had no basis in reality.

They really were trying to help you. That is what they believed because an adult that they had trusted and loved had told them the same thing when they were a child.

That is where you became cut off from your inner magician. It was at that point that you lost your power.

Unfortunately, when we don't know how to operate this marvelous reality-creating mechanism that we all naturally possess, we often end up shooting ourselves in the proverbial foot. We set ourselves up for failure. We self-sabotage.

What if I could show you a way that you could learn to operate this powerful inner mechanism so that you could create the reality that you desire for your life? What if I could show you the pitfalls to avoid that destroy your own creations before they have had time to bring you the things in life that you desire to create?

If you can dream, then you can create. If you can create, you can learn to feed your dreams and creations rather than destroy them or allow them to wither on the vine.

If you truly desire to reconnect with your own, powerful inner magician, and want to begin creating the life you truly desire then you must immediately get your hands on this free newsletter, Simple Magic - Creating The Life You Want. It will change your life forever.

Now, if you could have the life that you've always dreamed of, what would it be like?

Copyright © 2005 Sherry Sims

Sherry Sims has spent the last 20 years assisting people as a professional psychic, intuitive counselor, energy healer and teacher. Helping people to resolve personal and relationship issues has been at the core of her work. She gently assists her clients to accept their true power which allows them to begin taking control of their lives through healing, awareness, and self-love.

For more articles by Sherry Sims please visit

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