20 Ways to Keep Your Writing Inspiration and Creativity High

When stressed or blocked it is wise to make a change so thatwe don't stay in that place. Yet, many times we forget someof the simple things that we can do for ourselves, quicklyand easily to bring our inspiration back and increase ourcreativity.

1. If you usually type your first drafts, hand write them.Nothing compares to the feeling the ink melting into thepaper and the surge of that creative flow.

2. If you spend too much time at the computer, take a breakevery hour. Go for a walk or just sit outside in the sun.Even five minutes in a winter sun does wonders for a moodand creativity.

3. Flip through magazines or books. Their colors and ideaswill give you sparks and switch your attitude. Blue andgreen can reduce your stress levels by 30% or more.

4. Add strong smells to the room. Light scented candlesaround you, visit the fruit isle at the grocery store, or goto a store that is heavily scented. Find an orange orstrawberries and smell it. Both will change a mood orcreate inspiration. Smells awaken your creativity. Smellstrigger memories and are a great method to rekindle storiesfrom the past.

5. Go see or rent an inspirational movie. Relaxation timeis important. You can even take your notebook and recordinspirational phases. Afterwards free write that thosephrases bring up from your subconscious.

6. Read a book that stirs you or sparks your creativity.If you prefer, read poetry.

7. Look at bold and bright colors for a few minutes. Thesechange your mood.

8. Talk with a friend about your topic to flesh out ideasand creativity. Record the conversation, with theirpermission of course, and play it back to hear the littlenuances that you might have missed.

9. Write an e-mail to a friend to tell him or her what youwant to accomplish. If you are stuck, say so and ask forhelp.

10. Check in with your vibrational energy and do somethingto switch it into high gear. Take a shower. Go for a walk.Turn on some music and dance naked for a few minutes.

11. Hire a virtual assistant to do some typing so that youcan stay focused on writing. You can fax your writing ordictate it into the computer and send her a voice file fortranscription.

12. Go to church for the noon service or whisper a prayeror two. This reconnects your energy with the universe andreplenishes what might be missing.

13. Complete an appreciation exercise. Pick somethingaround you, like the telephone, lamp, or pen. Talk to itand tell it how much you appreciate having the electricityto turn it on, the opportunity to write with a tool that hasthe ink inside, not like a quill, or the softness of thepaper you write on. Be grateful for that you have and notwhat you are missing. Or make a list of "count yourblessing" items.

14. Write a personal note to friends or family and tellthem how much you love them, appreciate theirthoughtfulness, or kindness.

15. Authentic, flat-out, raw laughter frees the psyche andopens the creativity process.

16. Find a setting with lots of trees and flowers and feelnature. If the weather permits, take off your shoes andsocks and feel the grass between your toes. Nature has away of freeing our spirit and renewing our soul.

17. If guilt or a passed incident has captured your mind,write a "Dear Me" letter and ask yourself for forgiveness toloosen it's grip and expand your freedom.

18. Are you use to writing in a quiet place? Find anoisy place to write, like McDonald's or the mall. Whenyour space is noisy you will have to focus harder in orderto write with clarity.

19. Go for a quiet leisurely drive, listen to a favoriteCD. You can sing out of tune and no one will notice(laughter aloud).

20. Do something nice for someone else that you wouldn'tnormally do and be a gracious receiver of a hug.

That was exciting, wasn't it? Post this list in aconspicuous place so that it is readily available when youneed it, right next to your writing area is best. Do one ortwo of these daily and keep on writing. Your readers arewaiting to read your words.

Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing &Writing Coach, specializes in product development, Internetwriting and marketing, nonfiction, training. Newsletters and articles available at: http://www.abundancecenter.com blog: http://abundance.blogs.com

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