How To Let The Subconscious Mind Do The Creative Work

From time immemorial mankind has wished for an Aladin's lamp, which would make wisheds come true.

The closest thing to this magic lamp is the subconscious mind. The "genii" of the subconsious mind will work for you if you follow a certain process.

How can we trap the subconscious mind into a great deal of our creative work for us.

Here are eight tested ways.

1. Give yourself a motive.

The subconscious mind works at its creative best when you have a purpose.

2. Make a date with your subconscious mind.

Prod it with definite orders as to what you want, but don't tell it what methods to use.

Let it use its own methods.

Example : "Genii, at 2 p.m. tomorrow, I want you to tell me just how I am going to sell 3000 crates of oranges to hard boiled Mr. Mack."It will help the genii if you have obligingly collected on cards all the pertinent information about Mr. Mack likes, dislikes and hobbies. This will make it easier for the genii to figure out the best approach.

3. Always keep a pad and pencil at your bedside.

You never can tell when the subconscious mind will suddenly come up with an idea. When it does, write it down. Always carry a small notebook or pad with you.

4. Write every idea down.

When you first get an idea, don't try to figure out whether it's good or bad. Write it down."The faintest ink is better then the best memory."This is particularly true of creative ideas.

5. Don't be critical of your ideas too soon.

You have a problem that can't be solved by cold logic. It needs the spark of imagination. But the moment your subconscious mind tries to throw out a spark, your conscious mind says : "That idea is a lemon. It will never work."

In the early stages of the creative game, the conscious mind must be told to shut up. Nothing will cause the genii to scamper away so much as being told by the conscious mind that their ideas are worthless.

6. When stymied, stop for a while.

Of course, most creative problems can't be solved overnight. After you had a creative session with yourself, it's usually best to stop trying to think up any more ideas. This stage is called the incubation.

7. Keep yourself motivated.

Whenever you have temporarily abandoned seeking an answer to a problem, the uncounscious mind should have its orders :"This is important to me. Don't give up the ship. Keep on working on this idea while I sleep and rest."

8. When the heat of creation is gone

put your work aside for later evaluation.

Just as a period of conscious thinking and gathering facts usually precedes a creative idea, so a period of conscious thinking should eventually follow it. This is the period of evaluation.

Creativeness is wonderfull. But it is only half the battle. The other half is evaluating your idea or hearing another's opinion of it.

Sometimes an honest opinion may spark a new idea.

Fernando Soave CEO CUTTING EDGE MLM Free Cutting Edge MLM

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Fernando Soave © 2003

Fernando Soave is the author of "Cutting Edge MLM News." He has been in marketing for 20 years and is helping individuals succeed online. Visit his site to find out how you can get free reports. or Subscribe to the Free Cutting Edge MLM Newsletterand receive your +$585 MLM Value

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