The Source of Growth and Creativity

Bare attention (to objects, people and circumstances) is what brings order in this world and in your personal world. If you know how to move your attention without the involvement of mind, positive creation happens as a result. Attention is literally a life response whereas mind is reaction out of memory and reaffirmation of the past. Attention is not same as thinking mind but it constitutes pure awareness moving itself through different objects without creating friction.

I am stating below some examples as to how life responds to the power of attention. Here's one:

One small business owner decided to give attention to his accounts, balanced eight months of back bank statements, and miraculously received $5000 from nowhere the next day.

The key is attention without interpretation of the situation. A mere attention and intention to improve is sufficient.

If you bring your personal or business accounts fully and accurately up to date, you'll be able to watch the money flow to you!

Money is not the only thing that responds to attention. So do ordinary objects and things. Consider this example:

A businessperson was unable to make any substantial sales. He was told that he should give attention to and evaluate his remaining current stocks, and then make a full effort to sell them off. After making an effort of selling but a few of the minimal stocks, an order arrived equal to six months of normal sales!

We have often seen this phenomenon where a business owner concerned by low sales or cash made the effort to sell off remaining unsold stocks, and life responded by bringing more sales. This is a powerful example of the power of attention to objects and things.

One way we give attention is by adopting the personal value of maximizing the way you use your current resources, such as money, materials, and time. Here's an example of how one manufacturer applied the value of maximum utilization of a limited resource, which resulted in a very favorable situation for the company:

"In the manufacture of welding electrodes, Low Carbon Ferro Manganese is one of the main raw materials. The manufacturer who was supplying us suddenly informed that their plant is shut down for maintenance and that there will not be any supply from them for the next two months. It is an expensive material so the stock holding was minimum. There are only very few manufacturers of this item and they are all located at far away places. We had little time to arrange supply from other sources. The stock on hand was sufficient for 5 days of production only. We decided that not a particle of LCF should be wasted and alerted all the workers to be extra careful. The shop floor was swept thoroughly and all the spilled material were collected, screened and used. We provided attention to what could immediately be attended. Coincidentally, within two days, a Managing Director of a company manufacturing LCF in Orissa (which is about 1300 kilometers away from Pondicherry) visited our unit; over the phone (from Pondicherry) he instructed his plant to dispatch material to us. From the previous supplier we were buying the material against payment. Where as this company offered us a credit of 30 days. We did not negotiate any terms with them. They themselves agreed to supply at the same price. We were frank in telling them the precarious situation we were in. In spite of knowing our weak situation, they did not take any undue advantage. We are continuing with them."

Moral is they didn't wasted the material further and alerted all the workers to be extra careful. The shop floor was swept thoroughly and all the spilled material were collected, screened and used. They provided attention to what could be immediately attended. Moral is mere attentions to a situation without being caught up in its interpretation brings order into it. One need not worry, anxiety (using mind) but need to attend to immediate things including the people and objects and the universe arranges rest of the trappings to bring in the harmony into the area of attention.

Here's a closely related example of the power of attention to things through the application of the value of maximum utilization, and life response:

X, the proprietor of a company, engaged Y as his consultant to improve his business. Y, the consultant, noticed a machine, which X deemed not useful to his present business, kept in a sorry state. Y requested X to repair and repaint it and keep it ready for production. X laughed and said, "This machine is idle for last many years without any order. I can not spend money on it. As soon as I get orders, I will repair and repaint the machine." Y thought X was looking at things in the wrong way.

Y told X, "If you keep machine ready for production and if you genuinely wish that this machine should yield profits, you will get orders. Life will favorably respond."

X followed Y's suggestion. After a day or two, X's cousin, an engineer, came to his factory. The newly painted machine gained his attention. He took interest in the machine. He told X that he was interested in starting a new factory. If X could give the machine to him, he could earn profit from the first month onwards and a share of the income would go to X. An agreement was struck and the machine became a cash cow.

Moral is begin with trust that in the end everything will be organized and take your first step forward in the trust that the universe will arrange the trapping, your job is to attend the immediate objects, people and rest will follow on its own timing. In this case they attended a machine deemed not useful to his present business.

So all sorts of things respond to attention; animate and inanimate!

One final example will show how the power of attention is tied in to organizing things one level higher than it is currently organized.

A company had just launched a new product, yet did not yet have any sales on the product, despite considerable effort. One day the manager decided to go through the operations manual to update it to the latest information, including procedures related to the new product. He did this late in the work day. Early the very next morning he saw the first order for the product come in through the company's web site.

Finally, let's not forget to mention that people also, of course, respond to attention.

Mind creates friction, attention creates movement. If you experience movement without friction, its attention and not the mind and you can assume that you are in a creative state. We invite restlessness through preconceived ideas about the state of reality. Creativity begins when you can stabilize in a chaotic environment looking at it as an ever expanding life rather than mere problems; all the chaos is a life itself expanding to create new bridges where there are none. As a result, trust takes over fear and panic. New things or events or people are seen as opportunities to organize the life one step up. It is through chaos that the new order is borne, so chaos need not be seen as something to fear about but life itself stretching the limits to organize one step further. A relaxed attitude takes over the panic and fear.

Attention itself brings in the order when used wisely in a trusting manner. Things are disorganized on account of lack of attention and ignorance of it's values.

Attention brings in the order. Place your attention in the areas where you seek improvements, hang out loosely expecting to improve the area, rest will follow. Key is identify the area, focus loosely and intend the desired result.

Seek with the attitude (state of existence) that you are already fulfilled and perfect in areas where you seek improvements, the acting and attitude of the perfection at every step itself consolidates into the ultimate end perfection. Move yourself consciously attending whatever needs to be attended here and now.

You trust and move one step toward unknown and simultaneously unknown moves one step towards you bridging the gap between harmony and disharmony. Your attention itself is your one step towards the unknown and if you consistently moves your attention in the desired direction with the intention to improve the life, unknown is moving towards you simultaneous bringing in all the necessary elements to bring harmony into your life.

Universe responds not to just fulfill your individual whims and fancies but to bring in greater order for greater good.

There is always a response to attention since it has capacity for positive movement where has mind has fixed notions which restricts movement.

Attention enables movement, whereas beliefs blocks movement.

Author: Santosh Kunte -Mumbai India. An avid reader of the spiritual knowledge, engineering graduate and executive. Loves reading meditation and sharing. You can reach me for your valuable feedback or you can reach me for your problems of finance, relationship etc. by dropping an e-mail to me on

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