Hot Apple Pie - The American Apple Pie Legacy

While each country might have its own preferred style, "American Style" apple pie includes your basic pie with apples in it, spiced up with cinnamon and/or nutmeg. Some folks top it off with a scoop of ice cream (such as vanilla) and this is known as "Apple Pie a la mode."

How did Apple Pie become a cultural icon in the United States?

Marketing! That's right, we wanted it and we made it so via heavy marketing. A popular advertising jingle goes something like, "Baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet..." It wasn't until the last 30-40 years that apple pie became the icon that it is.

Where did "As American as apple pie" come from?

Good question as apple pie did not originate in the United States. It's usually associated with motherhood and how it's wholesome. Can you just see Ward Clever's Mom in 1950's outfit baking a nice warm apple pie for the Beaver and his friends?

What's the best way to make apple pie?

If you're blessed in the kitchen like I am, then you know that the best way to find a tasty apple pie is to head down to your local bakery or grocery store where they are baked fresh every morning in multiple different varieties. Be sure to pick up ice cream or whip topping on your way out.

Which USA fast food restaurant has the best apple pies?

McDonalds, Burger King, Hardee's/Carls Jr. all have good apple pies (usually they run specials, 2 for a dollar), but Taco Bell takes the prize for best new re-invention of the apple pie. They call it the "Taco Bell Caramel Apple Empanada" and it is sweeeeet! The Empanada actually has origins in Argentina and Brazil, but the pie has been "Americanized" to suit our taste buds for ... yes, you guessed it, "American Apple Pie."

Alison Apple is a freelance writer for You're encouraged to surf for more Apple Pie baking resources! :-) YummyForTheTummy!

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