The Job Seeker's Guide to Finding Restaurant Positions

By Julie Deane

Although economic outlooks often appear grim when it comes to finding and keeping jobs, restaurant positions continue to be among the fastest-growing career options available today. Entertainment and service industries – especially those related to food – always do well when the rest of the world is tightening its belt. After all, people still need to eat.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that restaurant positions will continue to grow at a faster than average rate over the next ten years. However, although positions are available everywhere, high-end restaurant industry jobs can be pretty competitive. That's why job seekers have to be more diligent than ever in their pursuit of the ideal restaurant position.

Where to Find the Jobs

Traditionally, most people seeking employment in restaurant industry jobs go to the job boards first. Unfortunately, most of these postings – from newspaper classifieds and online job seeking sites to lists at your local unemployment office – are severely restricted in their ability to offer a strong culinary career foothold. Not only are quality restaurant positions scarce in these locations, but when one does appear, they are often inundated with thousands of prospective employees. In fact, getting a job in this manner is often compared to the proverbial search for the needle in the haystack.

Although working in a culinary career isn't quite the same as working in show business, the basic tenets of finding a job are the same. It's not what you know, but who you know that really matters. Networking – whether this means knowing somebody with connections in top-notch restaurant industry jobs or simply being in the right place at the right time – is the single most important factor in landing restaurant positions with room for upward mobility.

Making Restaurant Networking Connections

In today's Internet age, networking also extends to include locating online resources that can put you into contact with employers through the use of restaurant recruiters. These placement services, offered through firms like JDeane Jobs, allow you to network only with companies on the lookout for new employees. It's like cutting through all the levels of red tape to find the shortest path to your new culinary career.

Unlike the job boards, which offer employers few security or screening options, JDeane allows employers to look for candidates who are especially qualified to fulfill their open restaurant positions. Because JDeane provides a screening process that evaluates your skills a hospitality industry professional as well as your unique qualifications and the goals you want most out of your culinary career, employers don't have to worry about who they are considering. Like you, they go to JDeane first to build professional relationships that will result in long-term employment.

The benefits of these services also extend to the prospective employees. Although there are certainly exceptions, high-quality restaurant positions tend to be restricted to metropolitan areas. Candidates seeking employment often find themselves facing the prospect of moving to a new city in order to get the restaurant industry jobs they want the most. Knowing with absolute certainty that a restaurant is serious about considering you for employment can make a big difference when it comes time to fly in for an interview.

When you choose a reputable firm like JDeane Jobs, you also get the peace of mind of knowing that you are only looking at leading restaurant industry jobs. As a recognized brand, they rely on integrity and professionalism to match top employers with the right job candidates. This can mean all the difference when you are facing a career move or are looking to start a culinary career that will last for years. It all boils down to one basic truth: when you work with leading restaurant recruiters, you find the leading restaurant positions.

Getting Your Culinary Career Off the Ground

Whether you are looking for a transition into a brand new culinary career or you seek restaurant positions that offer greater advancement opportunities, finding a new job is hard work. Take advantage of an economy that favors restaurant industry jobs by networking with the best professional culinary career placement services and restaurant recruiters available today through JDeane Jobs.

JDeane Restaurant Services has been connecting hospitality industry professionals with top-quality employers around the United States since 2005. JDeane is unique in its focus on personalizing their approach to the employment process. All employment candidates are chosen through a series of behavioral interview guides and screening consultations. All clients are provided with a select group of talented professionals to choose from, each one with the skills and experience necessary to flourish in their new position. To learn more about how you can take advantage of the long-lasting relationships founded at JDeane, please visit them at

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