Call Center Careers: Examined

By Mark Sturge

Say the phrase 'Call Center Careers' and sudden images of telemarketers flood the minds of many. This is an unfortunate stigma. The truth is, Call Center Careers are much more and offer a wide range of demands and tasks. It's not just someone trying to sell you something; it's an actual job, one you have dealt with on many occasions.

Whenever you call for directory assistance to find a new bookstore or try to schedule an airline reservation for that upcoming vacation, you use a call center. This is where your call is received and responded to. Someone who has a career in this area will help you find whatever information you need or talk through any problem you may have. Their priority is to serve you.

Call center careers are not easy, another unfortunate stigma. Many believe that any one can answer a phone and speak. That is the broadest way of looking at this kind of career. Depending on the type of center you can walk at (whether a small, local company or a national conglomerate), you will have to deal with varying volumes of calls and questions. And the questions never stop. Once you are finished helping one customer, you're on to the next. Of course, some days will be worse than others. A customer service representative may receive over 100 calls for their shift. These can range from a simple question to lengthy tirade of an angry purchaser. By having a call center career, you will have to deal with all kinds of people, some of them unwilling to listen to reason. It is not an easy job and your "people-skills" must be up to the challenge.

Of course, you need to be able to do more than talk an irate customer down; one of the newer aspects of working in a call center is having proper computer knowledge. People want answers and they want them fast--it's your job to give them what they need. For example, if you were to work in a medical center, the computer could access any health data you needed. This is a necessity of the job now and computer skills are required.

Still have that telemarketer idea in your idea? Perhaps some examples of what call center careers may offer:

Technical Service Representative
Sales Representative
Bilingual Technical Support
Customer Service
Telephony Specialist
And more

All right, so that "And more" does include telemarketing and outbound calls; however, the call center career is not limited to that. It is an actual job that requires excellent people skills and computer knowledge.

But, you may be wondering what other kinds of knowledge you will need before pursing this kind of career. Unfortunately, there is no definite answer. Each company has their own hiring practices, and each job entails different things. For example, if you work as a sales representative, you would have to do more than simply answer questions. You would be required to have marketing knowledge and to be aware of the latest sales techniques. If your background does not have a strong indicator of this, you would probably be passed on for the job. Some companies, however, look more for your skills with customers, rather than your education. A local travel agency, for instance, would be looking to hire someone with strong speaking and computer skills. Your education would be less of a priority. It depends on where you are and what kind of job you're looking for.

Call center careers can be rewarding experiences for those who enjoy interacting with people and helping them solve their problems.

Mark Sturge is the webmaster of A site where you can find information, resources and tips on all areas career. Such as a home business career or call center careers.

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