Photography Careers
Edward Mercer
Are there many options available to you if you're considering a career in photography? You bet, now more than ever in the digital information age, freelance and full time career options are endless. Wedding photography is a great place to start your Photography career. A good wedding photographer can earn $200-$1000 per wedding, photographing as a sub contractor, or $1000-$10,000 as the studio owner. Sports and team photography is another option, where photographing little league teams and dance schools can bring in thousands of dollars a day, depending on the size of the league. You can also photograph candid sports on speculation, selling individual prints from$5-$50 each.
There are always opportunities to photograph families and children at the department store studios. This is a great place to train and learn sales and marketing, so that you may open your own business in the future. If you don't want to be behind the camera there are also many opportunities available to you. Photographic artists who retouch and edit photography are in great demand as are graphic artists who specialize in certain graphic and photographic software. Almost any special interest group, or hobbyist, or someone planning an event is in need of quality photography.
I have photographed everything you can imagine and have been well compensated over the years and you can too. Most of the time the work is interesting and fun and people appreciate what you do for them. I have mentioned a small fraction of what you can do to earn a living in photography and photography related fields. If this is of interest to you and you want to learn more, then there are multiple resources available to you on the internet detailing all you need to know for the various career options in photography. Get started now in the photography profession, which is a chance to be your own boss in a profession where people appreciate what you do for them.
Ed Mercer