Opportunities in Automotive Services Industries - How To Cash In

I believe it would be safe to say that the transportation industry is one of the highest revenue producers in today's modern economies.

Millions upon millions of private passenger vehicles rule the highways and rural roads in countries around the world.

Automotive reconditioning services, for the retail car/truck dealer, provide significant income opportunities for well trained, highly motivated entrepreneurs.

There are several categories in the automotive reconditioning field. These categories include:

1) Leather Repair and Reconditioning

2) Vinyl and Plastics Repair and Reconditioning

3) Paint Touch-up

4) Paintless Dent Removal

5) Alloy Wheel Repair

6) Windshield Repair

7) Gold Plating Services

8) Mobile Detailing Services

As a journeyman of auto reconditioning, in the retail car business in the US, I believe there is more opportunity in these industries than ever before.

Why Now?

Over the past 25 years, we have witnessed many changes in the reconditioning sector of the auto industry. The climate and environment of the "recon vendor" has experienced dramatic change.

We have seen a departure from the "craftsmanship approach" to these highly specialized services. The new trend has become franchising. In the last 10 years, the "comprehensive franchising" approach to this industry has had enormous negative effect.

These "comprehensive franchises" promise their franchisees training, support and expertise in all aspects of auto recon. As a result, they produce large numbers of unqualified technicians who can not perform any of the services well.

For the educated candidate exploring the opportunities available in this industry, it is clear that franchising is a poor choice. With proper research, one can find the best products available for all of the auto recon service sectors. The manufacturers of these products will gladly provide ample training specific to their products. This eliminates the need for the 3rd party middle man.... the franchiser.

The capital it takes to purchase a franchise agreement, is better spent tooling up as an independent vendor. Not only will you spend less money to get your new venture started, you will not have the franchiser earning a percentage of YOUR income.


Take the time, do your homework! Contact a qualified specialist in the industry for information and consultation.


No matter how talented you may think yourself to be, start gradually. Pick one sector in the industry that interests you and start there.

When you have mastered that particular craft, add another.

Study Sales Techniques!

Read some of the leading publications on sales techniques and practice your pitch.


1. Qualify (make sure the person you are selling has the authority to purchase)

2. Demonstrate (provide demonstrations of your products and services)

3. Cost Justify (successfully performing your specific service will justify your price)

4. Close the Sale (superior performance and customer service will ensure repeat business)

Now, more than ever, there is great opportunity in the auto reconditioning service industry. This is due to the incredible demand for qualified craftsmen.

For minimal start-up costs, you can take advantage of the current environment in the auto reconditioning service industry and CASH IN!

Copyright 2004 David Ridge - All Rights Reserved

About The Author:

David Ridge is a journeyman entrepreneur in the automotive reconditioning services industry. With over 22 years experience in the field, he has served dealerships across the US as a technician and reconditioning services advisor. He is a recognized expert in several sectors of the auto reconditioning industry. He is also a specialty vehicle enthusiast. These vehicles include specialty choppers and hot rods. David provides auto recon services consultation and support at: http://www.autoreconditioning.netHis specialty vehicles can be seen at: http://www.chopperzusa.com

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