Broadband - Will it Affect Your Online Marketing Future?

The coming age of general Broadband use bearing down uponus, minute by minute, is going to leave many changes in its wake. Some will be welcome; others will demand all we can do, just to keep up!

Of course, items like high quality graphics, streaming videoand movies on demand will be commonplace. On the other hand,Broadband spells the end of most common text-only websites.Let's face it: the consumer wants more! Offering a good dealwith high quality service won't do it anymore.

Websites that cater to the newfound appetite for qualityaudio and video content will get the sale. Obviously, thatmakes perfect sense! It brings to mind an experience I hadwhile learning Photoshop. I purchased a very big manual andit took me three weeks just to get my feet wet. A goodfriend bought a video tutorial and arrived at my level ofskill in two days!

There are many other things audio and video can explainbetter and in much shorter time than text, as in the exampleabove. We're not talking just innovation; but also, the verydeep and long-lasting impact the technology is going toproduce.

I was reading an informative article written by Darrin Coe,titled "The Internet Consumer Exposed." It's a piececompiled from larger studies of the habits and lifestyles ofInternet centered consumers. By the conclusions reached inthe item, it does appear the consumer will smile upon thecoming Broadband changes. Here is Darrin's website:

There are some Marketers actively staking out theirBroadband future. One that comes to mind is Jim Edwards. Jim is also a well known writer and syndicated newspaper columnist and - not to mention - a very pleasant person.

A week or so ago, I received an email from Jim inviting me to witness the birth of his new multimedia Newsletter "I Gottatell You." I was speechless! Very seldom do we get to watch one of the early events giving birth to a revolution! It iscontent delivery that's light years away and will onlyget better and better. Good work Jim!

Here is Jim's Newsletter:

Another application that's blazing a trail into Broadband isthe Instant Video Generator sold by Armand Morin, AlexMandossian and Rick Raddatz. Though they claim it works aswell with a dial up connection, I can see it carving out abig chunk of the Broadband market. I've gone to the websiteand viewed a few presentations. It does seem to work quitewell! The buffering is almost instantaneous and the qualityvery good. Here is the website:


Start taking the necessary steps to get on the multimediabandwagon or suffer the same fate as the dinosaurs!Broadband dominance will become an inescapable reality ofthe very near future. As Stark Trek's Borg say:"Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated!"

About the Author:

Francisco Aloy is the author of "Yes, I Want to Start My Internet Business Without Being SCAMMED!." He has an online business catering to the needs of the Newbie Net Entrepreneur. Visit his site to see more of Mr. Aloy's articles.

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