Book Review: Official Price Guide to Collecting Books (5th Edition)

By Steve Weber

The "Official Price Guide to Collecting Books" (5th Edition) is a fine resource for all book lovers. Its extensive guide to collectible book pricing is fascinating and valuable in itself, but what I enjoyed even more was the numerous interviews with longtime book dealers. These interviews, sprinkled throughout the book, provide a keen insight into today's out-of-print bookselling and collectibles market. Of course, the experts disagree on some points, but that is all part of the fun -- you get to decide what makes the best sense for you, and apply those ideas to your own book-hunting adventures.

This guide, by Marie Tedford and Pat Goudey, also thoroughly covers genre collecting, the care and repair of books, and includes a glossary and references to many additional sources of information.

So whether you're a book auctioneer, bookshop owner, an online dealer, or simply a lover of collectible fiction or nonfiction treasures, I'd recommend that you read this book from cover to cover and put it on your shelf for future reference. When I read this book a few months ago, I found myself underlining a few paragraphs on nearly every page. It will give you a finer appreciation of how the Internet has opened up a whole new world of possibilities for book collectors and dealers alike.

See a real-time list of the most highly sought after used and collectible books.

Read more free articles on selling used books profitably online:

Steve Weber is author of "The Home-Based Bookstore: Start Your Own Business Selling Used Books on Amazon, eBay or Your Own Web Site" (ISBN 0977240606). Got a question for Steve? Send to:

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