The House Of Glass

By Julie Coombs

Have you ever been to a local fair or carnival and had the funny experience of going through the "House of Glass"?

I remember this being a fascinating experience, the goal was to make it through a maze of mirrors, usually with arms extended because I didn't know which way was out as all the surrounding mirrors reflected each other and the image of me in them!

I had the realization today that this experience is very analogous to how we go through our lives!

In the House of Glass, everywhere I turned, there I was - usually in various states, short and fat, long and skinny or all askew depending upon how the mirror I was reflected in was shaped.

I just finished a book today that I couldn't put down once I opened it and didn't want it to end when I finished it!

"Walking Between The Worlds - The Science Of Compassion" by Gregg Braden. Braden has become one of my favorite teachers these past few years as his life mirrors my own in many ways, especially in his understanding of "life" and what it means to be human.

I have long known about the concept of others as "mirrors" in my life, and I don't know that I really got the crux or significance of that concept until I read this book!

Chapter 5 of this book is titled: "Journey of Initiation, The Seven Temples of Relationship"

In it, Braden masterfully explains "The Seven Mirrors of Relationship" as taught to us by the ancient Essenes. He states,

"Relationships are your opportunity to see yourself in all ways. Each relationship [no matter how big or how small] mirrors a reflection of your beliefs, judgments, bias or lack thereof, as you interact with others. Even if you live upon a mountain top having no human interaction you still must interact with yourself. Within yourself you will see the reflection of your beliefs."

Our relationships are our modern day personal temples of learning and worship, not unlike the ancient temples built to teach us something about ourselves, our interaction with others has replaced the stone and masonry structures of ancient "simulated", sacred experience.

As with all the great resources that present themselves to me, this book comes at a most perfect time!

Almost 3 months ago I left home for an extended visit with my new friend and partner. The news that I would be gone so long hit my family as an emotional ton of bricks. Like the 'Enlightened Warrior' I have become, I stood in my power as every tactic they could muster presented itself to have me stay put "where I belonged." - including threats to have me committed for my selfishness.

Like the 'Rebel' I can SO be, I couldn't wait to cut loose and flee the contrast and needy desires of everyone around me. The time and space away seemed to me a perfect opportunity to reconcile some lifelong attachment issues and to "cool my jets" around the emotions that had been stirred up within me.

As the House Of Glass example above, I am also just wise enough to know that changing my location in physical space will not "resolve" my personal issues at hand, and so, I go knowing that "everywhere I go, there I am." I did wonder what life would present to me in my new environment that would "mirror" what I had going on in my relationships at home!

The only thing that I left behind me was the "emotional charge" associated with my "attachment" to the situation. I could feel the "relief" of that as the plane took off into the clouds.

As "Law" would have it, my wondering was addressed in spades! I couldn't have prepared myself enough for the wonderful and delicious mirrors presented to me for the purposes of finding sweet "resolution". And, also like the analogy of the "House Of Glass" above, these mirrors were slighty askew from life back home, and they were absolutely reflecting back images of Me in my predefined patterns! The similarities of where I found myself were more than "uncanny".

As I interact and "Be" in my new environment without the emotional charges present I am aware of how much easier it is for me to "see" what's really going on in the mirrors. If I trust in and accept that "Each relationship mirrors a reflection of my beliefs, judgments, bias or lack thereof...", the "ahas" of where I need to shift my perspective have me slapping my forehead on an hourly basis!

The experiences in my new environment not only mirror my experiences back home, they are far bigger and much more exaggerated than where I came from! Out of this beautiful new contrast comes the familiar rockets of desire and a place of appreciation and genuine compassion for those I hold "most dear".

As I ready myself to return to my home "mirrors" I go with a fresh perspective and patting myself on the back for having stood my ground with compassion. I'm fairly certain that what is reflected back to me upon my arrival will look quite different from when I left. I have realized the benefits of healing and resolution from having made it through an even stranger maze of a whole different set of mirrors!

"The science of emotion and relationship is your "vibratory technology" of life and compassion.

Once the mirrors are identified, you will begin to see them everywhere.

Your mirrors are for you only.

Your mirrors work for you. They have always been there, patiently awaiting the time when you would notice them. You noticing is you waking up to the subtle patterns in your life."

Gregg Braden - "Walking Between The Worlds"

Julie Coombs AKA DiamondJul is based out of Brantford, Ontario, Canada. She is a co-creative entrepreneur, personal coach, online network marketing consultant and BICSI Organization accredited network professional. She is creating her life according to the "Law of Attraction" in deliberate creation, freedom and bliss, doing what she wants, where she wants with whom she wants for as long as she wants.

Copyright - 2006, may be distributed in it's entirety with bio and copyright attached.

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