Review: How To Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as little as 7 Days

How To Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as little as 7Days by Jim Edwards and Joe Vitale exe format, 208 pages

I was intrigued by the title of this book - writing aneBook in 7 days? But that's exactly what Jim Edwards andJoe Vitale show you how to do.

However, your eBook doesn't have to be 100 pages. In fact,Joe Vitale's best selling eBook 'Turbo Charge Your Writing'is only 22 pages (and 2 of those pages are order forms).And the authors give the example of someone who wrote abook just 7 pages long that sells for between $30 and $50.The fact is that people are swamped with information. Sothe shorter your book, the better.

Vitale and Edwards both have impressive track records inonline publishing. Joe Vitale (also known as 'Mr. Fire') issomething of a legend in the world of marketing. He haswritten over 12 successful books and has helped more than200 authors to write, publish and promote their books.

Jim Edwards writes a syndicated newspaper column called'' and is a frequent guest speaker atnational conferences on topics such as search enginetraffic generation and 'shoestring' online marketing. He'salso the author of '33 Days To Online Profits' and 'TheLazy Man's Guide To Online Business'.

If you're like many aspiring authors, you may have the urgeto write your book first and then find out if there's amarket for it. But as Edwards and Vitale point out, that'sa formula for eBook failure.

In chapter 2 ('Setting Yourself Up for Success') theauthors show you how to identify your niche market, how toanalyze their wants, needs and problems, and how to write abook that satisfies those wants, needs and problems.

Don't skip this chapter - it provides very detailedtechniques for using keyword research to find out exactlywho your target audience is and where you will find them onthe Internet.

The authors' program for writing your eBook in seven dayscontains some useful techniques for getting your creativejuices flowing and getting your words down on paper -writing your material as a letter to a friend, and writingyour sales copy first.

The chapter on 'Formatting Your eBook Text' contains somevaluable tips, such as breaking up your text with bulletsand headers. Your readers will thank you for it - one ofthe keys to avoiding credit card charge backs is to make iteasy for your readers to absorb your information.

Chapter 10 ('How To Make Money with your eBook') gives yousome tried and tested formulas for turning your eBook intoprofits, such as selling the reprint rights and 'backloading' your eBook with your own affiliate links, jointventures and affiliate programs.

The book also contains interviews with eight successfuleBook authors, including Yanik Silver, Rick Beneteau, andJay Conrad Levinson.

The interview with Yanik Silver is worth reading verycarefully. He reveals how he made tens of thousands ofdollars by setting up 3 separate profit streams in the sameeBook: reprint rights, his own affiliate links andcustomization fees.

If you want to create your own information product, thisbook is definitely worth reading - you'll find out thatit's easier than you think. You can get your copy of 'HowTo Write and Publish Your Own eBook in as little as 7 Days'at:

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more:

More Resources

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