Aviation Information Site Map

Airline Travel Woes, Flying is Frustrating
When Fast is Not Fast Enough
Business Aviation Networking Notes
Top Ten Secrets to Saving Big Money in the Airline Flights
So You Want to Get Free Airline Tickets: Should You Choose a Reward or Cash Back Credit Card?
Airline Security; Stewardesses The Last Line Of Defense!
Airlines, Price Wars, and Branding
Preventing Rapid Decompression In Commercial Airliners
General Aviation Manufacturing is in the Tank; Hang On It is Going to Get Worse
Hypersonic or Ultrasonic Sound to Disrupt Laser Beam Attack on Commercial Airliners
Airline Fuel Costs Mount
Find Cheap Tickets From all the Major Airlines
Entering Business Aviation, Part I: Types of Aircraft
Entering Business Aviation, Part II: Pay Rates for Flight Attendants
Entering Business Aviation, Part III: Training Options
Entering Business Aviation, Part IV: Crafting a Resume
Entering Business Aviation, Part V: Tips on Finding Work
Jet Lag - You Can Suffer From It...Or You Can Do What This International Airline Captain Does
American Airlines; Crash: Nov. 12, 2001
Really Cheap Airline Tickets
Airbus A-380 is Pretty Big
Learning to Fly
I Am Afraid Of Flying; You Are Not Getting Me A Light Plane
Sex in a Cessna, Part I
Sex in a Cessna, Part II
Sex in a Cessna, Part III
The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part One
The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Two
The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Three
Tips to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets
Aluminum Cleaner for Aircraft Detailing by Alcoa
How to Overcome Jetlag
AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy
Automated Following Jump System for Paratroopers, AFJS
Automated Satellite Following System for UAV Swarms
Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show
Airport Noise Reduction
Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online
A Look at Fractional Jet Ownership
Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online
Finding the Cheapest Airfares
Boeing is Really Flying Now
17 Ways to Keep Safe and Secure When Flying
Overcoming Jet Lag
Aviation Lawyer: Whether Passenger, Pilot or Owner, You May Need an Aviation Lawyer
Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft
De Ice Boots Preventative Care
Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part I
Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part II
Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part III
Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part IV
Private Jet Ownership Indeed
China is Starting to Build Military Fighter Trainers
The Wright Brothers
Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi
Cactus Fly-In, Casa Grande AZ
Airbus to Build $600 Million Aircraft Manufacturing Plant in US
India Air Traffic Issues to Come
Is your air traffic control person real?
Concorde Crash Conspiracy - It Could Have Been Prevented
Helicopters - The Multi Utility Machines
Fighter Jet Trainers Sport Planes
Sport Aviation and Jet Aircraft
5 Tips for Stress Free Long Haul Flights
Starting an Aircraft Washing Business
Cleaning Air Cargo Containers
Leading Private Jet Charter Operators
Cheap Airline Tickets! With Internet Access, The Skies The Limit For Great Deals
Airport Travel Tips: Reducing Waiting Times
Private Jets: 4 Leaders in Fractional Flying
Future Shuttle Launches
Travel Tips:Tips for Safer flying
Jet Lag - 7 Steps To A Successful Trip
Flying As A Hobby
First Class Airfare: How the Rich Travel
Really Cheap Plane Tickets
NASA SATS for Point-to-Point Air Travel Solutions
Downed Pilots Hibernating From the Enemy
New Airbus A-380 Beats Out 747
Travel Tips For Getting Through the Airport Easier and Quicker
Airline Travel Lingo! Does The Language Need An Interpreter?
Group Check-in At Airports
Diamond Twinstar
Flying VS Driving
A380 Bathrooms
Helicopters Outfitted With Airbags
What Causes Jet Lag?
Do Jet Lag Diets Work?
Budget Airlines - Cheap Airfares for Flights around Europe can Reduce Your Vacation Costs
How to Save on Airfare
Several Facts to Obtaining Cheap Airfares
Inflatable Aircraft Wing Camber Modification
Inflatable Slots for STOL
Aerodynamic Inflatable Wing Gates for STOL
Lockheed Loitering Missile Expandable Wing Concept
Making a Mechanical Manta with Material Memory Manufacturing Methods
Cracking Aircraft Windows with Directed Sound Waves
Tactile Strip Sensors on Leading Edge of Material Memory Airfoils
Static Electricity to Flap UAV Material Memory Wings
Increasing TAS in Modern Day Fighters with Expandable Wing Tips
Common Cockpit Concepts and Convenient Configurations
Getting Cheap Airfares
How Cheap Can You Get? Try Online for Cheap Air Tickets
Flying With Your Dog
Essential Oil Skin Care Tips for Frequent Fliers
How to Get a Free Airline Upgrade on Your Flight
International Corporate Catering Guide
Whos Paying for the Private Jet?
Fuel Costs and Air Fares Set To Rocket After Hurricane Katrina Punishes The US
FAA Intervention in Privatized Space Flight is Ridiculous
Material Memory and NASA High Tech Plastics for Rotor Blades
Moving Troops and Evacuation Strategies
Flying Blimp Walrus Could Have Assisted in Evacuations
Mirrors to Redirect Mini Laser Weapons on Fighters for Vortex Airflows
Fuselage Mounted Laser Vortex Enhancer Directed to Airfoils
Jet Lag - 5 Pre-travel Steps to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag
Jet Lag - 5 In-flight Tips

More Resources

Cheap Airline Tickets! With Internet Access, The Skies The Limit For Great Deals
With easy access to the Internet, the convenience of finding cheap airline tickets is just a few clicks away. As more airline inventory becomes available directly to the public through the World Wide Web, cheap flights are being purchased in record numbers, and nearly everyone hunting for fantastic low cost airline tickets are finding better deals online, than offered at their local travel agency!If you happen to be wondering why your local travel agency seems to have a hard time competing with all the cheap tickets offered by online travel suppliers, well its a matter of volume.
The Wright Brothers
Orville and Wilbur Wright were mere bicycle mechanics, yet they changed the history of mankind by inventing the first aircraft. It is amazing what one can do when you stop limiting your mind and go for it.
Entering Business Aviation, Part II: Pay Rates for Flight Attendants
Pay. You know that aviation pays better than commercial, in most cases a lot better, but you aren't sure what the going rate is for a corporate flight attendant.
Material Memory and NASA High Tech Plastics for Rotor Blades
Some new materials, types of plastics seem to be stronger than steel by quite a bit. Since they are made of polymer plastic blends it will be possible to add in some material memory manufacturing in the process.
Static Electricity to Flap UAV Material Memory Wings
How can we keep aircraft and UAVs aloft longer and conserve fuel? How can we have a small MAV or UAV remain airborne for hours on end? Perhaps we should design a unit, which flies like a bird but uses the energy, which is all around us to do so. Electromagnetic Energy is everywhere.
Finding the Cheapest Airfares
To find the best airfares, it takes a series of actions to be accomplished during the same period of time. Airfare rates change suddenly online, so when you see a price that you are comfortable with, grab it.
Laser Beam Guidance for Oshkosh Air Show
The Federal Aviation Administration is devising a method of alerting pilots who enter a restricted airspace to leave immediately. To do this is will use a laser beam pointed at the aircraft in a certain color.
Jet Lag - 5 In-flight Tips
The secret to combating jet lag, and arriving at your destination with little or no jet lag, lies in sound preparation well in advance of your date of travel. This, however, is only the foundation of your "anti jet lag" plan and all of your sound preparatory work will be wasted if you don't also ensure that you follow a sensible routine during your flight.
Young Men Trying to Imitate the 9-11 Scenario, Part I
Why did the young man near Tampa, FL fly a little private aircraft into the Bank of America building there? A Cessna 152; What damage could that possibly do? We must figure out a way in preventing our youth from growing up into homegrown terrorists.Young men crashing into buildings in airplanes is simply insane; how could this happen.
Tips to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets
Finding really cheap airline tickets onlineLooking for a really good deal on flights? Here are some of the best strategies used to find really cheap airline tickets online.1) Really Cheap Airline Tickets: Last minute flightsOften you'll find really cheap airline tickets posted at the last minute.
Common Cockpit Concepts and Convenient Configurations
One of the big pushes in aviation and military is to have common cockpit designs, which are ergonomically correct. The Common Cockpit Initiative (CCI) would mean all aircraft have basically the same cockpit; all the instruments would be in the same place, the seats in the same place, in fact nearly everything would be the same.
Helicopters - The Multi Utility Machines
The vertical lift technology of helicopters has far more utilitarian aspects to its credit than only being an effective mode of transport. In India, civil helicopters are performing transportation business, be it executive or offshore.
Airbus A-380 is Pretty Big
You know the Airbus A-380 is so huge it takes 2 hours to load and unload and that is if you are rushing the people on and off like cattle. The aircraft holds more fuel than a Boeing 727 weighs.
Secrets to Finding Really Cheap Airline Tickets Online
Knowing where to find really cheap airline tickets is the first step to shopping for the best airfares online but once you've overcome this little hurdle on your race to getting really cheap airline tickets you'll need to know how to book the cheapest airfares.Let's say you've found a great website that offers really cheap airline tickets online - like lastminutetravel.
Point to Point VS Spoke and Hub? Air Taxi
Boeing it is said took a big gamble in predicting the future of air travel. Instead of going bigger like Airbus and building an aircraft like the A380, the biggest airliner ever built; The Boeing Company decided to go for a more efficient smaller aircraft with better materials and better range.
Really Cheap Plane Tickets
To begin with, the best place to buy really cheap plane tickets is online. Travel agencies can't compete with discount ticket sites.
Budget Airlines - Cheap Airfares for Flights around Europe can Reduce Your Vacation Costs
Here's a good tip to help cut the cost of flying to many European cities and make your dollar go a little bit further.With the current high value of the euro, it has become increasingly expensive for Americans to take a vacation in Europe.
Learning to Fly
Flying is fun. I learned to fly myself when I was 10-years old as my dad was an Airline Pilot and former Naval Aviator.
Sex in a Cessna, Part I
If you have never had sex in a Cessna or other small aircraft then you probably might wish to read this article. It is fun, exhilarating and can get a little tricky if you do not do it correctly.
Entering Business Aviation, Part V: Tips on Finding Work
I will not pretend that this is the easiest topic to write about. In fact, my knowledge of how one finds work as a private flight attendant is based chiefly on what others have shared with me.

More Aviation Information:

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The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Three
As we study this grass roots history of a franchise company in the making we see how opportunity in the market grows companies and how entrepreneurial thinkers take advantage of those opportunities to deliver goods and services, which match the desires of the market place. In this review of the history of the aircraft wash guys we see the company diversifying and finding other niches to serve, some of which were actually better than the original plan.
Jet Lag - 5 Pre-travel Steps to Reduce the Effects of Jet Lag
Ask any regular long-haul flyer about their experience of flying and you will soon discover that everyone has a different "magic" formula for overcoming or avoiding jet lag.In reality of course no magic formula exists - and there is certainly no magic pill or tablet.
First Class Airfare: How the Rich Travel
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Boeing is Really Flying Now
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The History of the Aircraft Wash Guys, Part Two
The continuation of the history of a small service franchise business in the aviation sector; whose humble beginnings began in the middle of a recession. This proves that anything is possible and that with enough will and entrepreneurial spirit no matter what the condition of your industry sector, you can succeed in America.
NASA SATS for Point-to-Point Air Travel Solutions
It appears NASA's studies of the future of air travel and air taxi concepts. By studying these possible futures we may find our selves ready to accept flying cars in everyone's garage.
Future Shuttle Launches
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Essential Oil Skin Care Tips for Frequent Fliers
Are you one of those people that has lots and lots of airline miles, so many that if you had a dollar for each one, you could stop working for a living? Do you know exactly where all the Auntie Anne's Pretzels are located at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport? Do you book your flights by typing in the 3-letter airport code instead of the city name into the "Destination" box on-line? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you fly too much - and if you fly too much, chances are, it has taken a toll on your skin!Let's face it: when you fly, you are entering an aluminum box full of bad air consisting mostly of recirculated other-people's-gaseous-disturbances. 37,000 feet up, you are actually grateful for being able to breathe at all, but on the other hand, have you ever taken a close look at a flight attendant's face? Talk about constant dehydration! The proper use of essential oils during your in-flight routine, in addition to having aromatic, anti-bacterial, and therapeutic benefits, can also help you avoid having YOUR skin resemble the Sahara desert or a topological contour map (where lines and wrinkles denote elevation).
Mexico to Manufacture Aircraft
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17 Ways to Keep Safe and Secure When Flying
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Airline Security; Stewardesses The Last Line Of Defense!
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Travel Tips:Tips for Safer flying
Flying can be an adventure, but like everything else in life, there are small risks. Even though flying is the safest way to travel in this modern age, here are some tips to minimize any unfortunate, but unlikely event of an emergency situation.
Flying Blimp Walrus Could Have Assisted in Evacuations
What is a Walrus Super Blimp? It is a giant heavy lift Blimp being evaluated by the United States Department of Defense's special research division; DARPA. What is DARPA? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
Jet Lag - 7 Steps To A Successful Trip
Don't let jet lag spoil that much needed holiday trip to paradise or stop you from closing that career enhancing deal you've been working on for months.Arriving full of excitement and anticipation is great, but finding that you can't sleep at night, you're tired during the day and you've got an upset stomach and a headache can do a lot more than just take the edge off your trip.
AWACS Automated Flight Following System for Nuke Bunker Buster Accuracy
The Aerial Fire Fighting Industry uses a system called AFF Automated Flight Following System. It works from a satellite.
De Ice Boots Preventative Care
If you have de-ice boots on your aircraft you realize that for them to last you will need to keep them in new condition. In days gone buy aviators and aircraft mechanics have used all sorts of things to keep them in mint condition.
Entering Business Aviation, Part I: Types of Aircraft
The jets that people fly in corporate aviation are usually a lot smaller than those found with the airlines. Exceptions to the rule are Boeing's BBJ and Airbus' Corporate Jet, both of which are based on some of the smaller types of aircraft marketed to the airlines.
How to Overcome Jetlag
Jetlag seems to be every traveler's worst nightmare - especially if you're going away for just a short while.What causes Jetlag?Jetlag is a condition that arises from crossing multiple time zones in a relatively short time and consequently disturbs your natural body clock or circadian rhythms.
Airport Noise Reduction
Do you live near an airport and cannot stand the noise? Many of us do. Generally the airport was there before us however.
Private Jets: 4 Leaders in Fractional Flying
Fractional flying, you say. Is that division? Well, sort of.