On The Road To Stress-Free Driving
(NAPSI)-With more than 5 million car crashes every year in the U.S., it's important that drivers understand what they can do to avoid a collision and also what automakers are doing to help them should they be involved in an accident.
What You Can Do
· You've heard it a hundred times-stay off your cell phone and don't even think about texting.
·Work with your car dealer to make sure your tires are properly inflated, your fluids are topped off and your brakes are well maintained.
· Remember, if you are in an emergency on the road-and according to Forbes, the average driver is involved in a collision every 18 years-get to a safe place to call for help, give emergency personnel your specific location and do your best to stay calm.
What Automakers Do
Car companies are including all sorts of new technology in modern cars in order to keep vehicles in tip-top shape and help drivers who may be involved in an accident. For example, Hyundai Assurance Connected Care is the new safety and maintenance suite powered by the firm's Blue Link telematics platform. This program provides free proactive safety and car care services for three years and includes automatic collision notification, SOS emergency assistance, enhanced roadside assistance, monthly vehicle diagnostics reports and maintenance alerts. Said Barry Ratzlaff, Director of Customer Satisfaction and Service Business Development: "While drivers want cars they enjoy driving, safety features and maintenance reminders are also important."
Learn More
For further facts and ideas, go to www.hyundaibluelink.com.
You and your car can stay on the road hassle-free.