Reasons to Let a Pro Winterize Your RV
(NewsUSA) - Camping season is coming to a close, and it's time to put your RV in storage. But are you equipped for do-it-yourself winterizing?
Many blogs and other Web sites will tell you "yes," but a mistake could lead to costly repairs come spring. For example, if you fail to drain all the water from your RV's pipes and lines, the water will expand as soon as temperatures drop below freezing. When you turn on the water next spring, you'll likely find a flooded mess. A technician's expert eyes will notice problems that you might not recognize. Look for a certified RVDA-RVIA RV Service Technician, who must continue their education after receiving certification. They offer premium, up-to-date service. You can take some steps to prepare your RV for long storage. For example, if you have any battery-operated clocks or electronic equipment, remove the batteries. Turn off TV antenna boosters and clocks. After you get it winterized, store your RV on a level surface. If you live in an area with insect problems, you might want to spray ant repellent around your tires. Lift your RV off of the ground with wooden blocks. Now what should you leave to a professional? The Recreational Vehicle Dealers Association offers these instances where a professional can help save you money down the road: - Fixing leaks. You might not notice a subtle leak or know how to repair it properly. RV technicians listen for leaks when they pressurize the water system. If they hear a leak, they repair it immediately. - Removing water. Some luxury RVs have complicated water systems. RV technicians are familiar with many types of water distribution systems and manifolds and won't miss small lines that you could easily overlook. Technicians also know how to route antifreeze through the cold water lines -- an important protective step -- without filling the tank. - Emptying holding tanks. You don't want to leave waste sitting in your RV until vacation season returns. RV technicians know to check the holding tanks as well as macerator pumps and their transmission lines. For more information or to find a RVDA-RVIA RV Service Technician near you, visit |