This One Secret Can Double or Triple Your EBay Profits

By Mike Makler

If you currently run an eBay Business or you are considering running an EBay business the ability to earn the most out of each auction is key. A little extra profit on Each Auction could make a huge difference in your bottom line at the end of the year.

If you are shipping a physical product and most people do then you probably have a shipping and handling charge. Let's take a closer look at this charge. The Shipping part of this charge is your actual cost to ship the product to the Buyer. The Handling part is your Labor cost's to ship the item.

The Shipping cost consists of the actual cost that the shipping company charges you to ship the item. The Shipping cost would also include the cost of any packing materials you use.(Boxes,Tape,Pop Corn etc). Shipping costs may also include insurance. Don't forget to use a shipping option where you get a delivery confirmation. You always want proof your buyer received the item.

The Handling costs are the labor it costs you to ship the item. Your time is worth something isn't it. Depending on the expected price of the item and actual shipping costs you could add a handling fee of $1 - $5 or more to the actual shipping costs. That Handling charge is money in your pocket and it is money you earned for your labor. If you run 10 Auctions a week and your average handling charge is $3 that is an Extra $30 a Week or $120 a month. What could you do with an Extra $120 a Month...

Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

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Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe

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