Super Bee Nutrition

Bee's and Bee Nutrition

What is the buzz about bee Nutrition? Well, you cant get more down to nature then bee products. Powerful anti-oxidants, skin creams, supplements, and much more. Let's look into the small world of nature's busiest insects.

Royal Jelly

Taken as a supplement to promote good health and also for potent anti-aging and anti-oxidant qualities.

Royal Jelly is a creamy white liquid made by worker bees meant only for the queen bee. This substance changes a common bee into a Queen Bee, hence the name Royal Jelly. This miracle elixir also may extend her life from 2 months to possibly five years! Royal Jelly is packed full of essential minerals, proteins, B vitamins, amino & fatty acids, just to name a few!


Propolis in its rawest form has up to 500 x more bioflavonoids than oranges. Propolis has anti-ibiotic, antibiotic, antifungal, antibacterial, anti-septic, and antiviral properties. Superior propolis must have high concentrations of resin and little wax.

Natural bee honey

Bee honey is well known for its energy, vitality and anti aging properties. Bee Honey in particular is known widely for its healing properties and even help in some gastric problems.Bee products have been widely know in the European community for some time now and just recently becoming popularon this side of the ocean.

Possible Benefits of Bee Nutrition
-energy booster
-Reduces symptoms of Allergies
-Reduces stress
-Better circulation
-May Reduce swelling from arthritis (Have you ever seen that guy on tv that lets the bee sting his knuckles)
-Lean muscle mass
-Clear complexion
-May reduce signs of aging(wrinkles)
-May increase mental alertness

Hey a bee just stung me

If the sting swells over a large area in a short period of time, go to the emergency room immediately. You could be allergic to bee stings. If you know that you are not allergic to bee stings then just remove stinger from wound, rinse under cool water and applyAloe Vera lotion lotion if you have it. This will help with the burning and itching.

More Resources

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More Alternative Information:

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