Hypnosis: Benefits You Can't Live Without

Hypnosis In The Real World

When you think of hypnosis, do you get the image of a Freud-like doctor swinging a pocket watch to and fro in front of someone in deep emotional trouble? If so, you are not alone. However, this Hollywood image of hypnosis is far from true!

You don't have to be a nut to use hypnosis. Ordinary people, those you see every day, use hypnosis for typical problems. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have a problem with weight loss?
  • Do you find it difficult to quit smoking?
  • Do you have other addictions you just can't break?

Then hypnosis is for you!

  • Are you lacking in confidence?
  • Are you stressed out?
  • Are you fearful?

Then hypnosis is for you.

Hypnosis can help you with an unlimited number of personal issues, big or small. If you have a phobia, then hypnosis can help you eliminate it. If you have an addiction, then hypnosis can help you kick the habit. If you have a goal, then hypnosis can help you achieve it.

Mental and Physical Benefits of Hypnosis

But that is just the tip of the iceberg. Even if you don't have a pressing issue, hypnosis has extraordinary benefits - both mental and physical. Simply going into a hypnotic state on a regular basis is good for you and the hypnotist doesn't even have to suggest anything at all.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits that hypnosis offers:

  • Hypnosis Induces Deep Breathing: Stop reading for a moment and check your breathing pattern. If you are like most people, you will be breathing in short quick breaths. When you breath in this manner, you feel stressed out and tense. Not only that, fast breathing can make you feel dizzy, irritable, and foggy. After being hypnotized, you will find that you breathe deeper and thus feel more relaxed and calm.
  • Hypnosis Reduces Illness: There is no doubt that stress causes physical illness. Stress causes sleep disorders, increases our pain sensitivity, and can even increase our cholesterol. Since hypnosis is a state of deep mental and physical relaxation, being in this state on a regular basis is a way to reduce stress and thus illness.
  • Hypnosis Increases "Feel Good" Chemicals: Whenever you are deeply relaxed, your brain naturally releases chemicals that cause you to feel good. These chemicals are often in short supply as we rush about our day. Hypnosis causes deep relaxation, allowing these "feel good" chemicals to flow and create a sense of control and well-being.
  • Hypnosis Promotes Good Sleep: As you get your body used to deep relaxation during hypnosis, you will find that you can get more restful sleep. It is as if your body "learns" how to sleep more peacefully due to the hypnotic state.
  • Hypnosis Strengthens the Immune System: Stress causes the body to produce chemicals of the "fight or flight" variety. This aroused state actually affects the immune system by using up the chemicals needed to keep it functioning! Regular relaxation, the kind you get in hypnosis, can help prevent this from happening.
  • Whether you have an issue or just need to relax, hypnosis can help you achieve your goal. You will feel stronger, more in control, more relaxed, and better able to handle your life. Hypnosis is, quite frankly, good for your body.

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