Home Remedies part 2

By: Andy Casasanta

Back by popular demand, home remedies article #2. While not being a replacement for medical attention, you should always seek your doctor when you feel you have to and please take these home remedies with a grain of salt. Here you go and enjoy.

Acne and Blackheads

• Rub the acne area with a fresh garlic clove.
• Drink at the very least 8 8oz glasses of water a day. Even more in the summer.
• Mix one part of cinnamon into 3 parts of honey.Use as a scrub.
• Dab a small amount of toothpaste (paste, not gel) on pimples before bed; this helps dry out the pimples.
• Pour a little salt into a small bowl, add a few drops of water and mix till it turns into a paste. I've heard using a little toothpaste (paste, not gel) to this mix gives it a little extra kick. Use this recipe to exfoliate. Do not leave on overnight. Wash your face and rinse off.
• Baking Soda as an exfoliate
• Vitamin E gel tabs. Use as a facial moisturizer.
• Honey and oatmeal as a facial scrub and exfoliate.

Dark Circles Around Eyes

• Cucumber slice. Cover eyes with cucumber slices. For 15 minutes.
• Potato slice. Cover eyes with Potato slices. For 15 minutes.
• Lead a healthier life style. Get plenty of sleep, water and a multi-vitamin wouldn't hurt.
• Make a paste out of 1 tsp. tomato juice, 1/2 tsp. pineapple juice and 1 tsp. of flour. Apply around eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes before rinsing.
• Moisturize with extra virgin olive oil or vitamin E.
• Try used Chamomile tea bags (cool bags) over eyes for 15 minutes.


• Try eating an apple or 2
• Mix 1 tomato, 1 orange, 1 clove of garlic. For best results, use a juicer.
• Aloe Vera Juice. One of natures best detoxifiers.

Gum In Hair
There a few of these. Here they are:

• Try using baby oil
• Try peanut butter
• Non stick cooking spray
• Ice
• A mixture of baking soda with water. Rub it in hair, brush it out.

Mosquito Bites

• A paste of baking soda and water.
• Aspirin capsule. Works well with bee stings. But for bee stings,try to remove the stinger.
• Use calamine lotion.

There seems to be a lot of these also but I could tell you what I used to do for a hangover. I am not suggesting you try it but it worked for me.

• First off, you wake up with a sour stomach and massive headache.
• Alcohol dehydrates, so its time to replenish your body with water. Try a glass of water with one tablespoon of sugar. Water to rehydrate, sugar for the sour feeling in your gut. Sometimes I will take something for the headache. Aspirin or Advil whatever you want.
• Next, ice-bag for my head. I used to stick my head under cold running water in the laundry sink.
• When your stomach is settled down a bit, and depending on how your feeling, time for breakfast.

Bad Breath

• Try some parsley. This food garnish is rich in chlorophyll, a green plant compound that kills the bacteria that cause bad breath.
• Use the juice of half a lemon, one teaspoon of salt. Gargle.
• Brush your teeth with a couple pinches of baking soda. When done, brush again with regular toothpaste (optional).

I'm sure this is the tip of the iceberg, but these are the ones I know of. These home remedies are in no way a replacement to a Doctors care so if you feel that you might need to see a Physician, please do so.

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